
"Wanted" Posters Call for Vigilante Quarantine of NBC Ebola Doc

Jordan Sargent · 10/16/14 11:41AM

Dr. Nancy Snyderman—the NBC medical expert who was working in Liberia until a freelance cameraman working for her contracted Ebola—is currently under a mandatory quarantine after residents of Princeton, New Jersey recently witnessed her breaking a voluntary quarantine. At least one person wants to ensure Snyderman is caught if she leaves her house again, and he's put up effective wanted posters to make it known.

Gambling Will Never Save Us

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/14 09:07AM

As Boardwalk Empire begins its final season, so does real life Atlantic City, where grand casinos are closing at an unprecedented clip. Our elected leaders' solution to these financial troubles? More gambling. It will never work.

Look at This Bear Walking Around New Jersey Like He's a Human

Taylor Berman · 08/06/14 01:58PM

In the video above, a black bear wanders a quiet suburban New Jersey neighborhood on his two hind legs, pausing only to peek into a trash can just like a New Jersey person would. "No good trash in there!" the bear probably said to himself before walking off into the woods. Great job, bear. [UPDATE: We now have more video of the walking bear.]

Report: Chris Christie Is Facing Another Bridge Scandal

Aleksander Chan · 06/24/14 05:51PM

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is reportedly ensnared in another bridge-related investigation, this time for the $1.8 billion funding to repair the Pulaski Skyway, which connects Newark and Jersey City. According to the New York Times, a probe launched by the Manhattan district attorney’s office and the Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating whether Christie’s administration misled bond holders to obtain the money for the project. Ironically, this new bridge investigation was spun-off from the ongoing investigation into Bridgegate.

Getting Baked at the Situation's Strip Mall Tanning Salon

Jordan Sargent · 06/23/14 11:40AM

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino cut the ribbon on his tanning salon in Middletown, New Jersey on March 1 of this year. He made it 103 days before being accused of bouncing checks and 111—to this past Tuesday—before being arrested there for fighting his brother. Yesterday, I took a drive down to the most heated tanning salon in America.

Cookies Loaded with $52,000 Worth of Cocaine Seized at Newark Airport

Aleksander Chan · 06/19/14 10:47PM

Mauricio Isidro Rivera Hernandez, from Guatemala, was taken aside by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at Newark Liberty International Airport earlier this month after raising suspicion with his three checked bags containing cookies. Upon inspection, the baked goods in question were not just cookies, but also vessels for three pounds of cocaine.