Dr. Nancy Snyderman—the NBC medical expert who was working in Liberia until a freelance cameraman working for her contracted Ebola—is currently under a mandatory quarantine after residents of Princeton, New Jersey recently witnessed her breaking a voluntary quarantine. At least one person wants to ensure Snyderman is caught if she leaves her house again, and he's put up effective wanted posters to make it known.

The below poster was sent to us by a tipster who claims they are "ALL over Princeton." It reads in part: "SNYDERMAN PLACES OUR COMMUNITY AT RISK UNLESS SHE FOLLOWS THE ORDERS OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND OUR LOCAL AUTHORITIES."

[Note: The blurred portion of the image contains Snyderman's address and the names of her children.]

It's worth noting here that Snyderman has not been diagnosed with Ebola, nor has any member of her team besides Ashoka Mukpo, who is currently being treated at a hospital in Omaha. It's also basically impossible to catch Ebola from someone who left her house just to get take out.

That said, if you're in Princeton and you see someone who looks like Nancy Snyderman please call the police because that would be kind of funny. Here is what she looks like:

If you see something (a woman who might have Ebola), say something!

[bottom image via Getty]