Anthony Novellino, a 67-year-old New Jersey man, was convicted for murder this week after stabbing his wife 84 times with an 8-inch kitchen knife and dressing her body up in a pig mask in 2010.

Judith Novellino was killed when she returned to her former Danville, New Jersey home to collect her things after she and her husband divorced. According to Reuters, attorneys on both sides of the case said Anthony Novellino sent photos of the couple's disorganized home to friends. Judith Novellino's alleged messiness was a source of tension in their split.

Novellino was convicted for "murder, possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes, unlawful possession of a weapon, hindering his own apprehension and tampering with evidence," Reuters reports, and faces life in prison. Michael Priarone, his attorney, said that he would not representing Novellino any longer, but that Novellino has a right to appeal the decision.

Priarone had attempted to reduce Novellino's charge to manslaughter, claiming that his client suffered temporary insanity, but prosecutors successfully argued that the grisly, calculated nature of the killing warranted a murder verdict. Unless you're well aware of what you're doing, said prosecutor Margaret Calderwood, "You don't methodically go to the closet and pull out a pig mask and put it on her."

[h/t Fark]