Daily hazing on a New Jersey high school football team allegedly involved seniors shoving fingers up the rectums of younger players, NJ.com exclusively reports. Sayreville War Memorial High School's entire football season has been cancelled as a result, Sayreville's superintendent, Richard Labbe, told the press on Monday night.

The allegations in detail, shared through NJ.com:

It would start with a howling noise from a senior football player at Sayreville War Memorial High School, and then the locker room lights were abruptly shut off.

In the darkness, a freshman football player would be pinned to the locker-room floor, his arms and feet held down by multiple upperclassmen. Then, the victim would be lifted to his feet while a finger was forced into his rectum. Sometimes, the same finger was then shoved into the freshman player's mouth.

Sayreville War Memorial—Jon Bon Jovi's alma mater—has won three state championships in the past four years, NJ.com reports. The football team's head coach has declined to comment on the allegations.

Many parents, however, feel conflicted about the cancellation of the season, claiming that the players shouldn't be punished for something that adults should be responsible for monitoring:

Madeline Thillet, speaking at Tuesday night's board of education meeting, said her son was one of the members of the team interviewed by investigators. She downplayed the hazing while protesting the cancellation of the season.

"I was at the police station with him when they were questioning him," she said. "They were talking about a butt being grabbed. That's about it. No one was hurt. No one died. I don't understand why they're being punished. I think that the forfeited game was punishment enough."

According to the report, freshmen players would rush to locker rooms to change quickly before the butt stunt was pulled. Local police and prosecutors are reportedly investigating.

[Image via AP]