Escaping Siberia: How Netscape's boss exploits controversy and paid users
Nick Douglas · 07/19/06 05:40PM
After just a few months, the new head of Netscape wants out. That's why he's fomenting controversy over his newest job offer — paying his competitors' top users to seed Netscape. When the smoke clears, the site will have a shot in the arm, and Netscape's boss will be closer to leaving for a better gig at AOL.
Yahoo pays people $150 to use Meebo, AOL pays people to use Netscape
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Nick Douglas · 06/15/06 01:22PM
Diggsketeers! When we last left our hero, his news-gathering site was under attack from Dr. Netscrape's AOL NegaDigg Machine (Issue #47). But help was on the way, with a new Diggmobile — the post-Crisis-on-Infinite-Earths Digg 3 (Issue #41)! Will Diggman succumb to the cosmic powers of the evil Dr. Netscrape? Or is the Power of Digg stronger than the AOL Force? While the battle unfolds, watch the superbattler stat sheet!