New York Magazine on Calacanis: "naked eagerness to shimmy up the greasy pole"

As promised in Valleywag, New York Magazine profiles Jason Calacanis this week. Netscape PR asked writer John Heilemann (whose last mention of Calacanis got three days of angry e-mails from the sensitive AOL exec) to interview the man who's turning Netscape into a clone of
Heilemann gives Calacanis some props, but he remains unflattering. (As unflattering as New York's photo, shown here.) Skim the highlights of the piece, titled Suit 2.0.
- "Calacanis mused, 'I don't see why I can't be the next Michael Eisner or Barry Diller . . . someone has to be.'"
- "He sold [Weblogs Inc.] to AOL for a cool (or ludicrous, depending on your point of view) $25 million."
- "'I'm a senior vice-president, which is a pretty high title in this company; there's only one title, EVP, that's higher, and then after that you're the president of a division. I have absolute access. I went to dinner with Jon Miller the other night in L.A., and I hang out with Leonsis, I go to Wizards games with him. [Leonsis owns the Washington Wizards.] So I'm pretty high up.'"
- "From the earliest days of Silicon Alley Reporter, his avid gadflyism has always seemed driven by a naked (and even refreshing) eagerness to shimmy up the greasy pole."
- "Consider Calacanis's stated rationale—calculating and needy in equal measure—for preferring AOL to Yahoo: 'If I'd landed at Yahoo, I'd be [...] debating the finer points of this stuff. But at AOL, I'm probably the most knowledgeable person on this area, so they really needed my help.'"
- "I wonder if the joke will be on him."
Suit 2.0 [New York Magazine]
Earlier: Scoop: Next week, New York Magazine snarks out Calacanis [Valleywag]