Old Netscape coots invade Jason Calacanis's blog

Need to make fun of someone this morning? Try the curmudgeons from Netscape who came to AOL exec Jason Calacanis's blog to tell him they don't like what he did to their site. How did they find his blog? By reading the new Netscape.
Whatever your opinion on whether it's just a rip-off of popular social news site Digg (it is), you've got to feel for Jason, trying to tactfully handle these grumpy ex-users.
Think about it. If your favorite generic homepage portal turned into a junk drawer overnight, what would you do? You'd switch to Yahoo or AOL or Netvibes for your homepage, right? Yeah, I'd bet all my Flooz that these users don't know switching a homepage is possible.
After the jump, favorite gripes from Jason's blog.
"This new style appeals to those with the IQ of a small soap dish."
"I used to read the "WHAT'S NEW" everyday. That little yellow box that you clicked and there was all these great news stories. Where can I read those again?"
"It's still ironic that so many of your pages don't show right in your own Netscape browser, but they show fine in Internet Explorer."
Old vs. New Netscape (or "if you could change GeoCities into MySpace in 2002 would you have?") [Calacanis.com]