Netscape Beta: Engadget's new ad outlet

UPDATE: This item was, in fact, pretty lame, as Netscape does run Gawker Media stories just like any other. (No idea about Phonescoop, you'll have to ask blogger Eric Lin.)
Oh, that's why Weblogs, Inc. founder Jason Calacanis built Netscape Beta for AOL!
Stories citing AOL tech blog "Engadget": 20
Stories citing competing Gawker Media blog "Gizmodo": 0
Stories citing competing blog "Phonescoop": 0
Well, the reason for this is obvious: AOL Engadget must be the only worthwhile tech blog read by non-AOL-affiliated Netscape users.
Earlier petty sniping at Netscape Beta: Nine signs the new Netscape sucks [Valleywag]