Amanda UnBoomed: Congdon should join Netscape

Video-blogging celebrity Amanda Congdon's exit from the daily Rocketboom show is getting all the blogosphere's love today. The general feel is that Rocketboom's screwed and Amanda's a golden girl.
Indeed she is. This morning, Robert Scoble tried to pull Congdon to his new (and freshly funded) employer, PodTech. Others followed. But only one offer looks worthy of the biggest name in vlogging.
Jason Calacanis wrote a public letter to Congdon, buttering her up, recognizing her talent, and then pitching her. Calacanis asks Congdon to run a show about the top items on his news portal, Netscape.
Congdon clearly needs some stronger direction. The firm hand of Calacanis and the AOL Netscape team could do just that. And with the money AOL can throw around, Congdon can have her L.A. studio. (Down in Hollywood, it's not shameful to work for Time Warner.)
Unless the vlog anchor already had a sweet deal lined up in Hollywood, she should say yes. Calacanis is offering full rights to her videos (after a six-month exclusive for Netscape) and the massive promo power of AOL. It's the perfect next step in Congdon's career.
After the jump, what about Rocketboom?
The Rocketboom front page now shows producer Andrew Baron's official announcement. Amanda, he says, wanted to move the show to L.A., which he couldn't afford. So she quit, leaving him gasping for a replacement.
But Andy promises an interim host by Monday. Let's hope it's not him — Andrew didn't perform too well on last month's This Week in Tech podcast.
Advice and an Offer for Amanda Congdon []
Rocketboom announcement [Rocketboom front page]