
Holocaust Memoir Scrapped, More Cuts at Condé?

cityfile · 12/29/08 10:27AM

• More cuts at Condé Nast could come when Si Newhouse returns from his European vacation next week. Among the possible victims: Domino, Details, and staffers in the company's web division. [NYP]
• Berkley Books has cancelled plans to publish Angel at the Fence, a Holocaust memoir that the author admitted contains fabrications. [NYT]
• NBC is producing more webisodes to make up for programming gaps. [NYT]
• Ad spending in '09 is expected to drop to its lowest point since '03. [AdAge]
• CNBC's Conversations with Michael Eisner is no more. [NYP]
• An interview with CNN prez Jon Klein, who scored big ratings this year with AC360 and Campbell Brown's new show, but will also go down as the genius responsible for giving D.L. Hughley his own cable news program. [HuffPo]

NBC Wins Latest Round of Runway Fight

cityfile · 12/24/08 09:12AM

There will be no Christmas miracle for Project Runway fans who have been hoping that season six, which has been in reality TV limbo due to an unseemly tussle between The Weinstein Company, NBC Universal, and Lifetime, will soon grace our screens. Yesterday a judge rejected as "untimely" Lifetime's attempt to move the fight from New York state court to federal court, a small victory for NBC, which is claiming producer Harvey Weinstein had no right to sell the show to Lifetime. If only the judge had exercised the power and wisdom of King Solomon, we'd know who truly deserved to own this particular multi-headed, campy, and colorful baby. [Variety]

NBC's Super Bowl Scramble, SAG Vote Postponed

cityfile · 12/23/08 10:34AM

• For the first time in 12 years, FedEx is skipping the Super Bowl. [AdWeek]
• Another gloomy sign for NBC as the Super Bowl approaches: The network is allowing an agency to divide up 30-second commercials. [THR]
GQ's cover featuring a half-nude Jennifer Aniston seems to be too risqué for the Hudson News outlet in Grand Central Terminal. [Folio]
• SAG has delayed voting on a potential strike until at least January 14. [EW]
• Ticket sales have tumbled since Jeremy Piven ditched Speed-the-Plow. [AP]

Right-Wing Radio, Laura Bush's Memoir, Year-End Lists

cityfile · 12/22/08 10:08AM

• Conservative radio is expecting a big boost once Obama takes office. Also, Fred Thompson, not Rudy Giuliani, will take over Bill O'Reilly's slot. [NYT]
• Publishers don't seem to be very interested in Laura Bush's memoir. [NYer]
• After a three-day blackout, China has unblocked the Times' website. [NYT]
• Is Chris Matthews running for office or sticking with NBC? [THR]
• The AP's list of top 10 news stories of 2008. [AP]
• Politico's list of the top 10 media blunders of 2008. [Politico]
• A list of the biggest media losers of 2008. [Business Sheet]

Chuck Todd Is No David Gregory

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 03:21PM

Stolid, competent NBC political director Chuck Todd just got his consolation prize for being passed over as host of Meet the Press: the network named him the new chief White House Correspondent.

New Gig for Todd, Advertising and Book Layoffs

cityfile · 12/18/08 01:57PM

• Chuck Todd has been named NBC's chief White House correspondent. [HP]
• The TV Guide channel has been sold for $300 million. [NYT]
• Both Doubleday and Crown's Broadway imprint laid off staff today. [NYT]
• More on the cost cuts planned at Random House. [NYO]
• Omnicom is cutting 5 percent of its work force, or about 3,000 people. [AP]
• Nominations for the 15th annual SAG Awards were announced today. [THR]

Silverman Cements a Deal, Bewkes Steps Up

cityfile · 12/12/08 11:09AM

• Ben Silverman and NBC have come to terms on a new contract. [B&C]
Jeff Bewkes is taking over as Time Warner's chairman. [Bloomberg]
• As expected, Newsweek is trimming both staff and circulation. [WSJ]
• Do his 8 Golden Globe nods mean Harvey Weinstein is on the rebound? [THR]
• CBS Interactive is restructuring and making major cuts. [PaidContent]
• Hugh Jackman will be hosting the Oscars next February. [THR]

A Makeover for Newsweek, More Media Layoffs

cityfile · 12/11/08 11:31AM

Newsweek is planning to cut staff as well as give the mag a makeover. [WSJ]
• NPR is cutting 7 percent of its staff and dropping two shows. [NYT]
• Ad spending fell 2 percent during the third quarter, although online advertising continued to grow. [Adage]
• Les Moonves isn't too worried about Jay Leno's move to primetime. [NYP]
• Rumor has it Entertainment Weekly may go web-only. [Gawker]
• Reed Elsevier, which has been trying to sell trade titles like Variety and Publishers Weekly, is pulling them off the market. [NYP]
• Golden Globe nominations were announced this morning. [HFPA]

Les Moonves Confident 'CSI' Will Crush Leno: 'By A Lot'

Seth Abramovitch · 12/10/08 01:32PM

As Jeff Zucker foists his last hopes for NBC on Leno and his arsenal of funny newspaper-clipping typos, his arch nemesis—future galactic despot Les Moonves—couldn't help but engage in a favorite pastime:

Unflappable 'Douchebag' Jimmy Fallon Meets His Critics

STV · 12/10/08 12:00PM

Once and future late-night afterthought Jimmy Fallon hit his stride on his second day of videoblogging, treating viewers to an early glimpse of the set of his show and reacting gleefully about the Leno news—