America got its first glimpse of Ryan Seacrest reality brainchild Momma's Boys last night.

The NBC show pits three live-at-home bachelors and their mothers against 32 bachelorettes. The mommas arent afraid to list their occasionally racist dating-restrictions ("You don't want 'a black?' 'A' black?! Listen here: I'm gonna kick your bitchass momma-ass clear across this McMansion floor, you hear me?!") In the clip above, two contestants reveal their softcore pasts, eliciting the expected catty derision from their competitors. Still, we wouldn't rule out either the former Playmate or the adult film actress just yet, as Mrs. Bojanowski might surprise everyone by showing a refreshing open-mindedness regarding the sex-trade—ultimately bestowing her matronly blessing upon her son's choice by announcing in the season finale, "I don't care who or what you stuck in your hoo-ha for money, darling. My JoJo loves you, and that's all that matters. Welcome to the family, Vivica Flowers!"

Here's Mrs. Bonjanowski's big debut: