
Sarah Hedgecock · 02/04/14 10:23AM

[The president gives Sunny Obama a belly rub in the White House's Blue Room as Bo and Michelle look on with skepticism. Image via @WhiteHouse/Twitter.]

Michelle Obama Shows Miami Heat Who's Boss

Sarah Hedgecock · 01/21/14 11:25AM

Nobody dunks like the First Lady. Not even the Miami Heat, who visited the White House recently to talk about how to eat right and stay fit. Don't you talk about the best, or I'm going to shut it for you real quick.

The Obama Girls Had So-So Seats at a Beyoncé Show Last Night

Caity Weaver · 07/18/13 02:59PM

Michelle Obama dragged her daughters, Malia, 15, and Sasha, 12, out for a visit with her friend Mrs. Carter in Chicago last night, even though Mrs. Carter only ever wants to talk about mortgages and interest rates and mulch and Sasha and Malia would rather spend their time snapchatting pix of their dog to their friends.

Taylor Berman · 06/05/13 09:57PM

CNN released a video of Michelle Obama responding to a heckler last night. The initial confrontation is only on audio, but later there's shaky cell-phone footage of the First Lady walking off-stage before the crowd convinces her to return.

Michelle Obama Has No Patience for Hecklers

Taylor Berman · 06/04/13 10:34PM

Two weeks ago, President Obama was heckled by anti-war protester Medea Benjamin during a speech about drones and national security. The president handled it respectfully enough, acknowledging Benjamin and saying her “voice...is worth paying attention to.” Tuesday evening, Michelle Obama faced a similar situation when her speech during a Democratic Party fundraiser was interrupted by activist Ellen Sturtz from LGBT rights group GetEqual. The First Lady's response was...not quite as graceful as her husband's two weeks ago.

Michelle's Surgery Stimulus: "Toned-Arm" Procedures Up 4,378 Percent

Max Read · 04/30/13 08:38AM

American women are "opting for surgery to get Michelle Obama's arms," the Los Angeles Times tells us. (Though, obviously, not literally; there are not thousands of women seeking surgery to obtain the First Lady's arms, of which there are after all only two.) The number of women seeking cosmetic "upper arm-lift" procedures has increased by 4,378 percent since 2000, due—many speculate—to Ms. Obama's bodacious arms:

Justin Timberlake Leads the Obamas In a Charming Otis Redding Sing-Along

Maggie Lange · 04/10/13 11:05AM

Last night, President Obama and the First Lady hosted the 10th concert in the In Performance at the White House series. Justin Timberlake, professional charmer and sometimes-crooner, encouraged his hosts to join him for Otis Redding's "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay." Timberlake appealed to the whole ragtag bunch of fancy concert-goers by cajoling: "Mr. President, everybody, come on!"

Obama, Clinton, Biden, Jay-Z Doxxed: 'Hackers' Snag Financial Records, Socials, Credit Reports

Taylor Berman · 03/12/13 07:20AM

A group of apparently Russian hackers, working on the website "exposed.su," claims to have published the private personal information of—or "doxxed"—17 politicians and celebrities. Victims include Michelle Obama, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Attorney General Eric Holder, FBI Director Robert Mueller, all of whom had credit reports posted to the website, as well as Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, whose social security numbers were published.

Michelle Obama and Her Bangs Are Dancing Again

Maggie Lange · 03/01/13 01:03PM

On Thursday, Michelle Obama celebrated the third anniversary of her "Let's Move" campaign with a dancing event in Chicago. The FLOTUS and some other famous people like Serena Williams, Bo Jackson, Dominique Dawes, and Gabby Douglas hopped up on stage to do dances like "throwing it away," the "dribble," and the "step-together, step-together."

Robert Kessler · 02/07/13 06:06PM

Michelle Obama will attend the funeral for the 15 year old shot to death just days after performing at the inauguration.

Your Inauguration 2013 Yearbook

Robert Kessler · 01/21/13 05:50PM

Today Washington, D.C. was all atwitter with the graduation of President Obama from first-term president to second-term president. Here is your Inauguration 2013 yearbook.


Caity Weaver · 01/17/13 04:40PM

Wow, LADIES, time for an emergency meeting of the LADIES because there has been a huge development in our sex's perpetual race to/fight against bang adoption: Michelle Obama now has BANGS.

I Can't Stop Looking at These 2012 Photos of Some Super-Cool Dude Named Barack Obama

Camille Dodero · 12/31/12 12:30PM

Barack Obama is a master of the casually revealing photo. For months, you'll see the President of the United States blocking out a stiff rectangular space behind all those podiums, seeming a little vulnerably gangly in one of his slightly roomy grey or blue suits, alternating among a familiar reserve of strained expressions meant to convey leadership, certainty, disappointment, concern, reason, gravity, and occasional disgust. But then, at a regularly reaffirming clip, there are these moments when the President of the United States seems most at ease, somewhat unguarded, and most resolutely human. In these scenes, Obama's character doesn't shrink, it swells.