
The Disastrous, Watery Future of South Florida

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/13 11:08AM

Barring a huge public works project the likes of which the world has never seen, south Florida is doomed. Its end will come not from Bugs Bunny wielding a saw, but from the gentle lapping of waves higher and higher upon the shore. Three points to ponder:

The Miami Cannibal Wasn't on Bath Salts or 'Spice' or Jenkem or Rainbow Parties

Max Read · 06/27/12 05:27PM

Which dangerous, trendy nightmare drugs was Rudy "Miami Cannibal" Eugue "tripping balls" on when he tried to eat the face of 65-year-old Ronald Poppo in May? Was it "bath salts" — "the new LSD"? Or "Spice," the "synthetic marijuana"? Or was he on LSD, the "old LSD"? Or was it cocaine psychosis? Or was it all of the drugs at once?? Let's look at the coroner's report to find out:

Do These Unbelievably Horrifying Photos Show the Miami Cannibal's Victim?

Max Read · 05/29/12 12:42PM

These two really, unbelievably gruesome photos, allegedly of the Miami man whose face was partially eaten off over Memorial Day weekend, have been circulating around the internet, because the sight of rended flesh is a visceral reminder of the unbearably thin dividing line between life and death, and also because they're really fucking gross.