On Sunday, a 24-year-old Florida woman filed a police report that accused domestic abuser Chris Brown of "snatching" her iPhone from her outside of Miami's Cameo nightclub.

Christal Spann says she took out her phone to take a photo of Brown as he left the club when he suddenly grabbed it through his car window, told her "Bitch, you ain't going to put that on no website," and then drove off.

From the report [sic'd]:

[Spann] then retrieved her cell phone and approached [Brown] to take a picture. [Spann] stated that she took a picture of [Brown] while he was sitting inside of his vehicle. At this time [Spann] stated that [Brown] reached through his car window snatched her phone from her hands, and said "Bitch you aint going to put that on no website." After [Brown] took the phone he put his car window up and drove...

Domestic abuser Chris Brown: Still doing that awkward thing where he constantly reminds us how truly awful he is. Miami police are still investigating the incident, and no arrests or warrants have been made yet—but TMZ points out that if Brown is arrested, he could go to jail on a probation violation for that time he viciously beat Rihanna.

[TMZ, Image via Getty]