Most people wouldn't consider a bond hearing to be an appropriate time to joke around.

Penelope Soto is not among them.

The 18-year-old appeared before a Miami-Dade judge yesterday after being charged with possession of Xanax, and appeared to find the experience audibly amusing.

"It's not a joke, you know, we're not in a club now," Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat told Soto after she laughed at his question about the value of her jewelry.

"I'm serious about it, you just made me laugh," she responded, adding that her jewelry was "worth a lot of money."

When the judge again asked for a ballpark sum, Soto replied, "like Rick Ross." The joke was lost on the judge, who asked Soto if she was on drugs.

"Actually, no," she replied while repeatedly stroking her hair.

After the judge set Soto's bond at $5,000, their exchange should have ended with Rodriguez-Chomat's "bye bye." But Soto's flippant "adios" rubbed the judge the wrong way.

He ordered her to return, and raised the bond by an additional $5,000. Soto was dismissed again, and again couldn't bring herself to remain silent.

Before walking away, Soto pointed her middle finger toward the judge and said "fuck you."

Rodriguez-Chomat called her back one more time to confirm that she had indeed cursed at him and flipped him off, and sentenced her to 30 days in jail for contempt of court.

[screengrab via YouTube]