
Testicles Desire Beer

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/10 03:46PM

The ad below for some Australian beer explains exactly when you know you need a beer: when your balls tingle. Yea, maybe in Australia.

Smart Men Cheat Less

Richard Lawson · 03/02/10 04:34PM

It's true because science just told us. Some bored British academics recently determined that fellows of higher intelligence "are more likely to value monogamy and sexual exclusivity than less intelligent men." Or are they just better at not getting caught?

Chicks Don't Know How Good They Have It

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/10 01:46PM

In a new survey, male and female business professionals both agree that entry-level jobs are gender-neutral—but about twice as many men as women said executive-level jobs are equally open to both sexes. Among those men: your boss. [WSJ]

The Involuntary Transgender Dating Service

Hamilton Nolan · 01/25/10 10:16AM

Notable trend noted by the New York Times news-paper: Transgender individuals often choose to change their names along with their sex. And New York City is a popular place to do so! The more you know. There used to be a law that name changes had to be advertised in the news-paper, which had the fringe benefit of helping transgender people to make new friends: