
Online Dating Is Nothing But Losers Like You

Hamilton Nolan · 08/30/10 11:52AM

Breaking: everyone involved in online dating is a craven, superficial liar. And that's the good news. We're all equal! Dating should be a breeze, since we're all young, tall, wealthy, and attractive (online). But the evidence says: love's tough.

Camo Pantie Grandpa Free to Fly Anywhere He Chooses

Hamilton Nolan · 08/24/10 04:26PM

For those of you who were wondering: old men wearing camo halter tops and matching bikini bottoms will—repeat, will—be allowed to board planes, here in America. It's the land of the free. Duh. Larger pic is below.

Axe Wants to Help You Mate

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/10 10:41AM

The good people at the Unilever corporation are using their scientific expertise to assist you, the 18-24 year-old male, with mating. Do you have a desire to mate? An Axe™ product may be useful in your mating quest.

The New Generation Is Mostly Uncircumcised

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/10 11:11AM

A new study says that less than one-third of baby boys in US hospitals last year were circumcised—down from 56% in 2006, and about two-thirds in the 80s and 90s. Just letting you know, lest anyone get surprised. [NYT]

Your Husband Cheated On You Because You Make Too Much Money

Richard Lawson · 08/16/10 03:01PM

Sorry, it's just science. A new study confirms that men whose wives make more than they do are more likely to cheat. This study was conducted by a PhD student from Cornell—an Ivy!—so it must be real.

Judge Just as Dorky as Other Guys

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/10 04:40PM

A "socially inept" Pennsylvania judge has been suspended from his job for calling repeatedly and "making uninvited visits" to the homes of five women. We'd expect that from a lawyer, cop, or other male professional. But not a judge. [AP]

Switzerland Won't Extradite Roman Polanski

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/10 08:25AM

The Swiss government said this morning it will not extradite cinematic auteur and skeezy rapist Roman Polanski to the US to face charges of raping an underage girl in 1977. Said the Swiss justice minister: "He's a free man." [NYT]

Dude Takes Mom Hostage For Not Ironing His Clothes

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/10 10:49AM

Robert Tyrell is a 29 year-old resident of Villa Rica (translation: "noble small town"), GA. He lives at home with his mom. Things he possesses: male pride, a gun. Things he does not possess: ironing skills, gratitude, problem-solving abilities.

Do You Drive a Chick Car?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/21/10 11:00AM

It's common knowledge that certain brands of automobiles reveal their drivers to be chicks, or—worse—undercover chicks. Finally, researchers have quantified the most feminine cars. If you drive one, you are a total chick. Looking at you, VW.

Ladies Don't Work the Night Shift

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/10 08:57AM

Science: Women work like this (mostly during regular 9-5 hours), but men work like this (far more likely to work off-hour shifts). Economic-centric gender theoreticians postulate this may be due to the fact that women be shoppin. [NYT]

Scientists Develop Feminizing Nasal Spray

Ravi Somaiya · 04/30/10 10:56AM

Fiendish German and British "scientists" have put the cuddly-wuddly hormone Oxytocin into a nasal spray. They say that men who use it become more empathetic and better able to learn from positive feedback. [BBC]

NY1 In Booty Comment Scandal

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/10 08:49AM

Former NY1 reporter Adele Sammarco is suing the news station, alleging that an environment of sexual harassment ruined her career there. Her case was strengthened yesterday when a former colleague revealed her butt-related nickname. But: insiders have their doubts.