
Movie Blog Nerd Community Torn Apart Over Free Tix Scandal

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/10 12:02PM

The world of movie bloggers is a tight-knit one, where a small group of powerful men compete to slobber over the cock of the latest fantasy-themed Hollywood blockbuster. But now, movie bloggers have turned against one of their own. Amusingly!

Vice: Hip Pimps

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/10 10:30AM

Vice long ago morphed from a magazine about dirty hipster shit into a Corporation, which sells Cool. The fact that Vice is often referred to as "hip" is a dead giveaway of its clients lackluster levels of coolness.

Journalism Grad Employment Rate Lowest Since 1986

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/10 04:11PM

A new survey of kids who got bachelor's degrees in journalism last year reveals that their average salary has stayed the same for the past three years: $0. Ha, no, it's $30k. For the 56% able to find jobs. [UGA]

Will Wired Proclaim 'The Web is Dead?'

Ryan Tate · 08/02/10 05:19PM

Word from inside Wired is the magazine is prepping a cover story in which editor Chris Anderson declares that "the Web is Dead." At a magazine founded by digital utopians, that would be something close to sacrilege.