Rupert Murdoch is able to fund an economically irrational NYC newspaper war thanks to the fact that News Corp has tons of cash. (They made Avatar, you know!) What to do with these mounds of money? Buy a baseball team.

The New York Post reports that News Corp is likely to bid on the bankrupt Texas Rangers, which are up for auction this week. Since News Corp's Fox already pays a hefty fee to broadcast Rangers games, they can't afford to not buy it:

By acquiring the Rangers, which sources said could fetch around $550 million in the court-ordered auction on Wednesday, News Corp. could save itself enough in broadcasting fees that the team would pay for itself in little over a decade.

As much as it might suck for the Rangers to be owned by a faceless corporate monstrosity, the other big bidder is Mark Cuban. Rupert Murdoch doesn't sound so bad after all.

[NYP. Pic via]