
Newspaper Readers Bored by the Year's Biggest Scandal

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/11 02:35PM

In your shattered Thursday media column: The Guardian's circulation drops, the New York Press is dead(ish), media reporter job moves continue, and meta-aggregation is about as great as you'd think.

Ashton Kutcher Is a Massive Whore

Ryan Tate · 08/17/11 05:26PM

Not only did Ashton Kutcher pose for the cover of Details' September issue, he also edited a special "online only" version, out today. Turns out Hollywood's prettiest boytoy is one compromised whore of a magazine editor, directing most of his recommendations and profiles to tech companies he's invested in, with nary a word of disclosure. It's shameless even by Condé Nast standards.

Village Voice Media Not Liable for Child Prostitution

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/11 02:28PM

In your hopeful Wednesday media column: someone gives Capital New York some dough, Chris Rovzar leaves New York, Elisabeth Murdoch has tons of News Corp shareholder cash, Village Voice sex lawsuit dismissed, and the world's highest paid authors.

Good Housekeeping's Bathrooms a 'Hot Mess of Sickness'

Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/11 02:31PM

In your spotless Tuesday media column: more stories of magazine poop, business journalists web-surf predictably, a Florida politico type applauds the layoff of newspaper "pieces of shit," AMI's not for sale any more, and alt-weeklies bombarded with cash.

Shep Smith Talks 'Cock' on Live TV

Hamilton Nolan · 08/15/11 05:12PM

Shep Smith on Fox News this afternoon: "Bratton reportedly says he'd want to be London's cop top. [Pause] Top cock. [Sound of something slamming on desk] Top cop." Don't sweat it, Shep. Sometimes you just get blowjobs on the brain. [YouTube]

CNN Demonstrates Patriotism With Too Many 9/11 Documentaries

Hamilton Nolan · 08/15/11 03:20PM

In your maudlin Monday media column: CNN has more 9/11 documentaries than you can shake a stick at, Patch is incredibly expensive, 23 more newspapers get paywalls, the Richmond newspaper shrugs off an ad-stravaganza, and a French newspaper caper.

Homeless Man Walks Past Ann Curry's House

Jeff Neumann · 08/15/11 06:23AM

You know it's mid-August when a man walking past Ann Curry's empty Upper West Side townhouse is newsworthy. That, or we're talking about the New York Post. On Saturday, the Post reported that a "hobo" had been squatting in Curry's abandoned $2.9 million townhouse for about a year until police removed him from the building. As the "bum" explained to the paper, "I'm not a drug addict; I just don't have a place to sleep." Police took the man to a homeless shelter without incident.

The Most Controversial Magazine Covers Ever

Remy Stern · 08/13/11 02:17PM

We've had our fair share of crazy magazine covers lately. This week, it was Michele Bachmann's crazy eyes on the cover of Newsweek. A few weeks ago, it was the re-imagined and photoshopped life of Princess Diana (coincidentally, also on the cover of Newsweek).

CNN Anchor Claims Marcus Bachmann Pushed Him

Lauri Apple · 08/13/11 10:22AM

Violence Alert! CNN's Don Lemon says he tried to ask GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann some questions after she speechified to the corn dog-munching masses at the Iowa State Fair, but was shoved by Marcus Bachmann and two campaign aides.

NYT Caller ID Change Lets Everyone Brag About Being Called by NYT

Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/11 02:38PM

In your wistful Friday media column: the NYT's caller ID change is very important, Jared Paul Stern has a book to tell you about, Chris Hayes' bizarre MSNBC show concept, the NYT paywall approved of, and Borders' death screws magazines.

Accused Condé Elevator Tweeter: 'I Am Not @CondeElevator'

Maureen O'Connor · 08/12/11 11:30AM

Lucky editor and accused Twitter parody mastermind John Jannuzzi has issued an official statement on the matter of an anonymous Twitter account dedicated to eavesdropping on people at Condé Nast: "I am not @CondeElevator." Then why did you accompany your statement with a picture of Richard Nixon, a known liar who once had a fake Twitter called @MarkFeltIsAShitNozzle, hmmm? [Lucky, Images via @JohnJannuzzi and Lucky]

Accused Condé Elevator Tweeter: 'This Is Fucking Ridiculous'

Maureen O'Connor · 08/11/11 02:46PM

Lucky editor and popular Tumblr-er John Jannuzzi is having a bad day. In the last 24 hours, The Daily Beast and separately reported that he is the mystery eavesdropper behind @CondeElevator. Jannuzzi declined to comment on the record when we asked him about the rumors yesterday and today, but 30 minutes ago he said this on Twitter: "This is fucking ridiculous." [TDB, SF, image via @JohnJannuzzi]

News Corp Is Back!

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/11 02:26PM

In your sunny Thursday media column: News Corp stock bounces back, buyouts at the Baltimore Sun, the WaPo forswears a paywall, CNN wants to hire internet tipsters, and Jake Tapper has advice.