You know it's mid-August when a man walking past Ann Curry's empty Upper West Side townhouse is newsworthy. That, or we're talking about the New York Post. On Saturday, the Post reported that a "hobo" had been squatting in Curry's abandoned $2.9 million townhouse for about a year until police removed him from the building. As the "bum" explained to the paper, "I'm not a drug addict; I just don't have a place to sleep." Police took the man to a homeless shelter without incident.

But yesterday, shit got real:

The unidentified man — booted Saturday after a neighbor called the cops — strolled down West 71st Street at around 3 p.m. with a big yellow umbrella and a rolling suitcase, briefly pausing in front of Curry's building before continuing on.

He declined to talk to a Post reporter.

Here, just watch the planking squirrel instead.

[Image vias Getty]