NYT Caller ID Change Lets Everyone Brag About Being Called by NYT

In your wistful Friday media column: the NYT's caller ID change is very important, Jared Paul Stern has a book to tell you about, Chris Hayes' bizarre MSNBC show concept, the NYT paywall approved of, and Borders' death screws magazines.
- Well the big huge media news of the day is that the New York Times is changing the caller ID numbers that show up whenever someone from the NYT calls someone. It's always been "111-111-1111," remember? You know that already if, like me, you're frequently being contacted by the world's most prominent journalists. I mean I was so moved by the loss of this Caller ID number that I had to take to The Twitter to repeatedly catalog my laments! I wish I could take a picture of my own phone for you, with all the 1's in there! Haha, you guys I'm such a nerd but I think of all the times that very important reporters would be seeking out my opinion, and that "111-111-1111" would pop up on my caller ID, and I would just smile, because I love journalism, in the sense that it's a public service, and if I can help out the public just by answering my phone every time "111-111-1111" pops up on the caller ID because yet another New York Times reporter wants to talk to little old me, well, I'll do it. Really sad day. I'm gonna tweet that.
- Hey, forgotten Page Six payola hack Jared Paul Stern still has a book to sell! Anybody have any questions about tabloids, scandals, or anything else? Jared Paul Stern is happy to answer them. He's also selling a book btw, did we mention that?
- New MSNBC host Chris Hayes says that his new weekend show will be, direct quote, "What the Week in Review or Times Magazine or the Week is to Twitter and blogs, that's what we want to be to primetime cable news." So, something to mock.
- Felix Salmon says that the New York Times online paywall is working because of, not in spite of, its porousness, which makes the paper "open and inviting." Inviting for your Money$$$$!
- Magazines that are small but good are being horribly screwed by the closing of Borders.
[Photo of a bunch of guys who are all probably calling me, with the old caller ID via AP]