Twitchy sociopath James Murdoch may be on thin ice at News Corp., Reuters' Peter Lauria reports. Despite a public vote of confidence from his father during last week's earnings call—"I have full confidence in James"—some News Corp. executives are preparing for a post-James world, on account of how he lied to Parliament.

"I'm waiting for the moment when he says, 'What the hell am I doing here, I need a breather," one News Corp. executive told Lauria. "And I wouldn't be surprised if the people who are speaking to him and watching him aren't wondering if the time has come for him to drop the [corporate] act." That's what you need, dude—a breather. This whole crazy corporate world just isn't who you are, man. Just put down the Blackberry, stop lying to Parliament and your shareholders, leave the vast criminal conspiracy to cover-up your newspapers' phone hacking behind, find a nice little villa in a country that lacks an extradition treaty with England, and just surf or something, you know?

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