
Missing Tourist Shows Up with Op-Ed in North Korean Newspaper

Max Read · 08/10/11 07:25PM

Hey, has anyone seen Dutch stamp collector Willem van der Bijl? He went to North Korea in July to buy some of the country's stamps, and his family hasn't heard from him since. Oh! There he is! In the Pyongyang Times, extensively praising North Korean elections in a personal essay!

Let's Figure Out Who Created the Condé Nast Elevator Twitter Account

Maureen O'Connor · 08/10/11 02:21PM

Who is behind hot new Twitter account @CondeElevator, which tweets supposedly overheard conversations from the likes of Anna Wintour, and accrued 32,000 followers in mere days? Gatecrasher says it's a Teen Vogue employee. Business Insider says the culprit is "about to get unmasked." ABC News says "it could be anyone." Update: And that it's "coming from one or more people at a '4-16' magazine, meaning, a title located between the fourth and 16th floors of Condé Nast,"for a fact."

Average Starting Journalist Pay: $30K If You're Lucky

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/11 01:47PM

In your brave Wednesday media column: the journalism job outlook is... okay, another News of the World arrest, Tavis Smiley is peeved at Obama, an editor flees the HuffPo, and Dick Cheney interview time approaches.

News Corp Has a Best Friend in the U.S. Attorney's Office

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/11 10:52AM

News Corp has a much-anticipated quarterly earnings call today, following yesterday's board meeting. The one (and only) real agenda item is to figure out how to move past the devastating UK phone hacking scandal—which means making sure it doesn't spread to America. Fortunately, News Corp has something going for it: best friends!

Uncouth British Rioters Don't Appreciate the Working Press

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/11 01:57PM

In your Molotov-y Tuesday media column: London is unsafe for journalists, Alec Baldwin likes newspapers, Time magazine is beating the piss out of Newsweek, News of the World staffers get severance offers, KING magazine remembered, and scientists vs. journalists.

Frank Bruni Is a Pretty Bad Columnist

Hamilton Nolan · 08/08/11 01:14PM

Former New York Times restaurant critic and overall NYT star Frank Bruni was named an Op-Ed columnists last May, just after Frank Rich's departure. We had high hopes! We were promised that Bruni's column would be "a sharp, opinionated look at a big event of the last week, from a different or unexpected angle, or a small event that was really important but everyone seems to have missed, or something entirely different." How's that going?

The Hilarious Emails of Hollywood's Child Bride: 'We Want Money'

Maureen O'Connor · 08/05/11 02:24PM

Jeremy Baumhower produces radio tours, bringing musicians like Nick Cannon to major radio stations across America. Since Hollywood child bride Courtney Stodden is, ostensibly, a country singer, he contacted her using the email address listed on her website. The resulting exchange is comedic gold. Updated.

The Onion's Paywall Is Coming

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/11 01:21PM

In your ferocious Friday media column: The Onion won't be free online forever, the Brits call for Piers Morgan, celebrity magazine circulation plummets, WaPo Co. revenue drops, and the New York Observer's back to broadsheet, baby.

Cable Porn's Shrinkage Is Not Temporary

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/11 10:12AM

Sad news for people who fondly recall childhood nights spent attempting to watch "scrambled" pornography on high-numbered cable channels, a pastime which has afflicted them with a lifelong wavy-bar fetish: the television porn industry is slowly dying. Which is completely predictable and represents nothing more than the logical progress of technology, but still. We thought you'd like to know, what with your... certain predilections.

Rick Sanchez Is Sick of Having His Ass Blasted

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/11 01:02PM

In your simmering Thursday media column: Rick Sanchez pipes up again, CNBC's bizarre PR scandal, James Risen's judicial defender speaks, News Corp is flooded with lawsuits, and the WaPo's punchy editor is retired.

HuffPo Hires Actual Child as Editor

Hamilton Nolan · 08/03/11 02:03PM

In your mild Wednesday media column: HuffPo is coming for your teenagers, AOL's iPad magazine looms, Meredith Vieira is not an insane morning person, media redesigns of the moment, and journalists are good at everything.

Piers Morgan Is a Lying Liar

John Cook · 08/03/11 01:13PM

Piers Morgan has repeatedly claimed—falsely!—that he never countenanced or encountered voicemail hacking during his tenure as editor of the Daily Mirror. Now Heather Mills has come forward to claim that a reporter for the Mirror's parent company confessed to her in 2001 that the paper had surreptitiously gained access to a voicemail message Paul McCartney left for her after the couple had a fight. The trouble for Morgan is that he openly admitted to having listened to that very voicemail message—recounting it in detail—in 2007. Whoops.

New York Post Really Outdoes Itself Today, Headline-Wise

Hamilton Nolan · 08/03/11 08:50AM

Those folks at the New York Post—love em or hate em, they sure know how to write a snappy headline! "Too many damn ho's." Is it a double-entendre on someone's name? Is it a play off of a direct quote in the story? Nope. It's just a straight up headline about how there are "Too many damn ho's" out there. Haha. And how!

Most Major Newspaper Editors Don't Even Use Twitter

Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/11 04:10PM

We've poked fun in the past at former New York Times editor Bill Keller's infrequent and bizarre use of the Twitter. But aren't there more ways we can make fun of newspaper editors, related to Twitter? Yes! Yes!

Arianna Huffington Snaps Up Oprah Castoff

Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/11 01:48PM

In your oppressive Monday media column: the Oprah to HuffPo career path, The New Yorker is digitally famous, the 48-hour magazine returns, PBS expands to England, and Peter Lauria goes to Reuters.

New York Gets Al Jazeera English Today

Jeff Neumann · 07/31/11 11:27PM

Starting today, New Yorkers with Time Warner and Verizon FiOS cable can watch Al Jazeera English for 23 hours a day through a subletting deal the channel reached with a suburban New York channel, RISE. [NYT]