Who Is W's Next Editor?

In your munificent Monday media column: W's new editor selection appears to be at hand, Howie Kurtz writes something decent, a WSJ prediction comes (roughly) true, and low morale at ABC News.
- Keeping you up to date on the handicapping for the next editor of W magazine: Yesterday, Keith Kelly wrote, "The early favorite, Joe Zee, the creative director of Elle, is now seen to be in a neck and neck race with Stefano Tonchi, the editor of the New York Times fashion magazine "T." And now, WWD says Tonchi is the pick, although nothing official has come out of Conde Nast yet. It's all pretty funny timing, since Larry Dobrow pissed all over T last week.
- Howie Kurtz's column today on the health care fatigue experienced by journalists on the health care beat is not half bad. News!
- Ryan Tate, 10/14/09: "Whispers emanating from the Journal's parent, News Corp., have the paper on track to lose $100 million this year." NYT, today: "Sarah Ellison, a Journal reporter, writes that the paper lost $80 million in the fiscal year ended last June 30 - a figure confirmed by people briefed on the matter." Gawker, always first with news of newspaper revenue and Obama assassination threats!
- Ooooo, insufficient morale at ABC News! TVNewser quotes one ABC correspondent saying "In general, people are too demoralized to care" about the fact that ABC hired Christiane Amanpour. We know how they feel.