Magazine 'Hot List' Finds: No Hot Magazines

In your soggy Tuesday media column: debating the Hot List, photographers are in trouble, Martha Stewart's voracious appetite is coming to peer into your household, and alt-weeklies are back in style.
- The New York Post bitches that Mediaweek's "Hot List" of magazines included People, but "glitzy publisher Condé Nast was shut out and ad-declining titles made the grade." 1. Conde Nast is no longer glitzy. 2. Pretty much every magazine is now "ad-declining." 3. "Hot List," meh.
- Professional journalistic photographers are hurting financially, and do you know whose fault that is? Your fault, mister and missus amateur photographer, so willing to sell your snapshots for a mere pittance. Hey, now photographers know how reporters feel!
- Well well well. Martha Stewart is in negotiations for her very own cable network. Our towels and our scented candles and our cookie recipes and our money and our firstborn children weren't enough. She needs more. More. MORE.
- Some cheeky fashion type has found a use for copies of the good ol' alt-weeklies out there: They turned them in to a dress, for the fashionistas, at an LA fashion show. The fashion show was covered by LA Weekly. Otherwise it might have been forgotten. Hm.