
Marc Jacobs' Ex Finally Moves Out?

Ryan Tate · 03/27/08 07:15PM

Stalker sighting via email: "Just saw the one time hooker and one time boyfriend of recently Chelseafied designer Marc Jacobs clonking down Greenwich ave @ Bank street. In full on token gay garb: washed out ripped jeans, combat boots, trucker hat, and logo louis vuitton luggage. I guess now that MJ no longer patronizes him he has to take the subway, cause boy was carrying loads of heavy shit and not cabbing." UPDATE: Jason said it was only one gym bag, and not combat boots.

Marc Jacobs: Sexual Libertarian

Richard Lawson · 03/26/08 09:17AM

Marc Jacobs got in a spat with his new "boy toy," the intriguingly named Austin A., at a Los Angeles nightclub over the weekend, but later on they made up and made out all night. Except for when Marc was necking with some other random dude across the bar. After that, he trotted off to see Lindsay Lohan. And God love him for it. Unlike most celebrities, who are afraid of seeming rakish or sexually adventurous, the fashion designer just airs his delicates all over this great land of ours, not caring who clucks their tongue and says "What's to be done with this Marc Jacobs?" We should all aspire to that same ballsiness: to suck face with strangers and date former hookers and porn stars (dumb as they may be) with wild abandon, for anyone to see, all the while making sacks of money, hand over fist. If everyone was this open there would be no place for gossip and scandal and I'd be out of a job, but we'd all be free! Marc Jacobs is leading the revolution. The sex-filled, maybe a bit dangerous, revolution. Christian Siriano has big shoes to fill.

Marc Jacobs Spoofs Way Ahead Of Their Time

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/08 02:12PM

A site called The New Enthusiasm, which has been raising a ruckus around the web for the last few days with its fake Marc Jacobs ads, has been outed as the work of a creative agency named Hart + Larsson. It was obvious, since Marc Jacobs won't really start using unkempt, out-of-shape, bearded male models in wigs for at least another year or two. [Agenda Inc.]

Project Runway Winner Is The Next Big Thing, So Sayeth Tim Gunn

Richard Lawson · 03/18/08 12:25PM

At the GLAAD awards last night Tim Gunn, the most wonderful man alive, said that Christian Siriano, the wee fashion designer with the Sydney Opera House on his head who recently won Project Runway's fourth season, is going to be the next Marc Jacobs. I wonder if this means attendant drug problems and threesome having with hookers and porn stars. After making the comparison, he plainly stated that "We have found America's next great fashion designer. We really have. I'm confident." Heady praise for a 22-year-old! I dunno, it seems a bit impulsive to say something so sensational, so publicly, about a designer who is in such nascent stages of a career. In the end, I'm hoping he'll be more like the ever-crazier Betsy Johnson than the increasingly sane Marc Jacobs. Either way, I'm excited for someone on the red carpet to say they're wearing a dress from "Tranny, by Christian." [The Cut] Video of the little monkey creature after the jump.

Ex-Hooker To Marry Millionaire

Richard Lawson · 03/01/08 12:47PM

Ohhh snap! If Facebook is any indication (and it is, always) former rentboy Jason Preston is engaged. We'll make the grand assumption that it's to constantly on-again-off-again boyfriend Marc Jacobs, the fashion designer and dirty, dirty threesome-haver. Now that they're making honest men out of each other, will they still participate in those decadent ménage à trois? Probably. Will they actually see this thing through to a wedding? Probably not. Does this probably mean nothing and we should take what Facebook says with a grain of salt? Um, NO! A scintillating Facebook screenshot after the jump.

Marc Jacobs Thieves From Poor Little Swedish People

Richard Lawson · 02/20/08 02:32PM

Uh oh! Fashion designer and threesome enthusiast Marc Jacobs is being accused of plagiarism. It seems that a little man in a teeny tiny adorable Swedish village is claiming that he owns the rights to a scarf design that Jacbos recently passed off as his own. The speculation is that some American tourist brought the scarf, which was originally designed in the 1950's, back to the States and somehow it made its way to Jacobs' design studio, where it eventually became part of Marc's collections. That's no better than just outright copying, is it? It seems like that's the same thing (sort of) as saying you invented the automobile because you just got hit by one. An honest, diligent person would do a little research, and then credit old Mr. Ford. Or, in this case, Gösta Olofsson. Oh Marcy! Stop with the porn star sex and get with the originality. [Sassybell] Click for larger image.

In Which Jane Fonda Used A Bad Word

Nick Denton · 02/15/08 05:48PM

Feminist icon Jane Fonda used the word "cunt" on the Today Show, rather than Oprah-approved vajayjay, and the moral guardians shuddered, but with less conviction than they once summoned. Swearwords found safety in numbers: John Edwards thinks Barack Obama is a "pussy"; and the likely Republican nominee, who survived years in a prisoner-of-war camp, is a "sissy", according to Salon. In preparation for a limp-wristed political future, 24 dumped its torture-loving creator. Sissy: not something one could say about Hayden Christensen, star of Doug Liman's new science-fiction movie, Jumper: he manfully squired co-star Rachel Bilson round Manhattan to establish his heterosexual credentials, but not so conclusively that female or gay fans would think him unavailable. (Amazingly, Madonna's new movie got better reviews.) Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman took the opposite tack, playing to male sapphic fantasies on the cover of W to promote their new movie, The Other Boleyn Sister. (We thought Scarjo looked more like a Slovak model.) Talking of pseudo-siblings, Julia Allison's 17-year-old "adopted" little sister, with whom the Star magazine talking head enjoyed posing, hooked up with Men's Vogue cad, Hud Morgan. There's a diagram. Even more complicated: the relationship between fashion designer Marc Jacobs, his boyfriend, and the gay porn star they've adopted. The New York Times adapted to these shallow times by splashing a game show, Deal or No Deal, across the front of its Arts section. But this belated populist appeal wasn't enough to staunch the loss of readers, and advertising: the Gray Lady is joining the Los Angeles Times and most every other newspaper in the US in cutting newsroom jobs. For these stories, and more, here's one page with the week's top stories. (Or just click on any of the names listed, above.)

Marc Jacobs Wrapped Around Finger Of This Gay Filipino Blogger

Ryan Tate · 02/12/08 11:44PM

Following in the footsteps of handbag maker Fendi and model Terron Wood, designer Marc Jacobs finally knelt down before Bryanboy, the blogger once described as "Paris Hilton reincarnated as a gay, Asian twink." Jacobs is naming an ostrich handbag "the BB" in his honor, sent him a pretty picture and even let threesome-friendly boyfriend Jacob Preston leave him a sweet voice mail. All are after the jump, plus bonus video of Bryanboy's tribute to Jacobs.

Marc Jacobs' Porn Star Pal Needs To Shut Up

Richard Lawson · 02/11/08 11:36AM

Time used to be (I'm told) when bedding a porn star was fun and frivolous, mostly because said porn star didn't have a platform to ramble on about the "relationship." Alas, not so for fashion designer Marc Jacobs, whose affair with gay porn actor Erik Rhodes continues to get an increasing amount of attention. Poor Marc! All he's trying to do is discreetly engage in some (NSFW) hot threesome action with Rhodes and former rentboy Jason Preston, but Rhodes insists on blogging about their dalliances. Learn more after the jump, (plus a video of the oafish Rhodes at an awards show).

Marc Jacobs Decides No Fashion Show Is Quite Complete Without Kevin Federline

Molly Friedman · 02/07/08 04:52PM

Why would Marc Jacobs personally invite K. Fed to his impossible-to-get-into show tomorrow night? Because he's the cleverest fame-whore of them all, that's why! With Britney making more headlines than ever but, um, unavailable for public appearances at the moment, Marc knows something the other designers don't: the sheer presence of Kevin Federline will catapault his name into the headlines during what has been an unusually slow Fashion Week. The kicker? The appearance happens on the same day as, you guessed it, Britney 's bombshell profile in Rolling Stone hits newsstands!

The Most Influential Fashion Designer Of His Generation

Nick Denton · 02/05/08 05:19PM

A defender of the detachment of the British royal family once said: “We must not let daylight in upon the magic.” Advice which applies to Marc Jacobs, the designer, subject of a documentary airing this month on the Sundance Channel. Jacobs' affection for gay porn stars doesn't diminish his mystique: fashion industry figures are expected to be outrageously homosexual. But take a look at the designer (the most influential of his generation, the narrator declares) in "pigeon disguise" so ambitious and cumbersome that he has to ride in a truck. That epitomizes his whole state of mind, we're told; it also epitomizes the absurdity of the fashion industry. Click for Marc Jacobs thoughtful, chain-smoking; the fashion designer on inspiration; on the horns of a dilemma ("This is so horrible that it is good. Or is it so horrible that it's horrible?"); and, yes, as a pigeon.

Marc Jacobs' Porn Star Friend Cannot Get You A Discount

Ryan Tate · 02/05/08 12:14AM

Gay porn star and escort Erik Rhodes took to his NSFW personal website again to assert, directly this time, that he and designer Marc Jacobs "are just friends" and not sneaking away for hot sex romps (NSFW) behind the back of Jacobs' onetime boyfriend, male escort Jason Preston. But Rhodes stopped short of denying he had hooked up with Jacobs in the past. The best line in his new posting: "Ps. Stop asking me for discounts at the Marc Jacobs store. Jesus." After the jump, slightly NSFW pictures of Rhodes and why he might have attended Jacobs' Fashion Week show, along with Preston.

Marc Jacobs

cityfile · 02/03/08 10:48PM

The once pudgy and quirky hipster, Marc Jacobs is at the very top of the fashion biz.

Joshua Stein · 12/14/07 10:54AM

Designer Marc Jacobs dressed up as a cameltoe for his holiday masquerade party "Arabian Nights" at the Rainbow Room. Previous costumes before this included "fat lesbian" and then "weirdly-ripped muscley gay dude." Cameltoe is by far the best Marc Jacobs iteration yet. [NYM]

The Bleecker Street Mall

Choire · 12/12/07 06:10PM

Rod Townsend sometimes receives phone calls from The Future, a mysterious entity that knows where things will be in New York after the Starbucks and Whole Foods have blanketed the town and then disappeared.

Joshua Stein · 11/15/07 10:15AM

Designer Marc Jacobs has it all. If by "all" you mean a tattoo that says "Perfect" (almost as good as "Authenticity"), a hernia from overexercising, and two remarkably similar deeply ambivalent articles, one in the Times Thursday Styles section by Eric Wilson and one in New York Look by Amy Larocca. Lucky guy! [NYT, Photo: Out]

Emily Gould · 11/12/07 01:40PM

It was only a matter of time before rehabbed gayfaced genius loon Marc Jacobs declared his intention to become a star of reality television, right? He says he'd like to showcase "everything, all aspects of my life. All the drama, the intrigue, the sex, the romance, the work. I'm a shameless human being." Oh but wait! "The whole thing's sort of egotistical, I suppose." Marc! No! Ix-nay on the elf-awareness-say! [NYM]