Gay porn star and escort Erik Rhodes took to his NSFW personal website again to assert, directly this time, that he and designer Marc Jacobs "are just friends" and not sneaking away for hot sex romps (NSFW) behind the back of Jacobs' onetime boyfriend, male escort Jason Preston. But Rhodes stopped short of denying he had hooked up with Jacobs in the past. The best line in his new posting: "Ps. Stop asking me for discounts at the Marc Jacobs store. Jesus." After the jump, slightly NSFW pictures of Rhodes and why he might have attended Jacobs' Fashion Week show, along with Preston.

Rhodes hints he planned to attend Jacobs' Fashion Week show Monday:

The news just wants drama, come on, why do you think the article was released so perfectly a week before his fashion show here in New York. Drama. People keep asking me, why am i going to the show if there wasn't any secret love affair, Cuz we are just friends!