
Newsweek Sucks

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/11 02:45PM

In your finally Friday media column: Newsweek sucks, Chelsea Clinton's NBC infiltration works, a bodybuilder becomes a magazine editor, drone journalism arrives, and your angry layoff rant of the day.

Keith Gessen Arrested Doing Admirable Thing

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/11 03:26PM

In your grim Thursday media column: Pigs nab Gessen, newspaper layoffs, newspapers sales, overall newspaper desperation, the real issues in OWS coverage, and Fleshbot could be yours!

Print Is Dead, Literally

Hamilton Nolan · 11/16/11 03:00PM

In your murky Wednesday media column: America's largest newsprint maker goes bankrupt, the HuffPo tries its hand at "journalism," an Irena Briganti hunt, Nick Denton vs. the commenters, and the NFL's launching a magazine.

Malcolm Gladwell Likes Money

John Cook · 11/16/11 02:27PM

The New Yorker's Malcolm Gladwell just wrapped up a three-city tour shilling for Bank of America and delivering "actionable advice" to its customers.

Charlie Rose's Vampirish Glare Coming to Morning TV

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/11 03:05PM

In your overcast Tuesday media column: new faces at the CBS Early Show, Native American journalists are broke, UK editorial staffs decline, a New York Times fashion app, and Conde Nast launches its own ad network.

Failing NewsBeast: Everyone Except Tina Brown's Fault

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/11 02:58PM

In your murky Monday media column: Newsbeast loses two top executives, CNN's "social network for news," News Corp finds one honest place on earth, the public opinion impact of Hackgate, and Mediawire is here.

Was R. Crumb's New Yorker Cover on Gay Marriage Worthy of Rejection?

Seth Abramovitch · 11/10/11 10:58PM

When R. Crumb was commissioned to draw a cover for a June 2009 issue of The New Yorker, he came up with this illustration of a gender-indeterminate couple tying the knot before a city clerk. A sign near them reads, "Gender Inspection," accompanied by a red arrow. The cover, which Crumb had never made public until now, was rejected by New Yorker editor David Remnick, and Crumb responded to the slight by publicly announcing that he'd never work for The New Yorker again.

The Preposterous Plagiarism Assault on Romenesko

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/11 02:57PM

In your ungrateful Thursday media column: we must all come together to defend Jim Romenesko, farewells at the NYDN, an election news vet dies, and Nickelodeon suffers.

News Corp Continues Slowly Falling to Pieces

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/11 02:26PM

In your sunny Wednesday media column: News Corp's Australian head departs, James Murdoch goes back to Parliament, a newspaper CEO sees the light, Univision is massive, and Newark Politico vs The Politico.

Sam Zell Finally Catches a Break

Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/11 03:02PM

In your truculent Tuesday media column: Sam Zell gets a nice ruling, more News of the World P.I. revelations, journalism punditry debated, The New Yorker hires a creative director, and a marriage proposal makes the paper.

H.L. Mencken Not New Yorker Material, Says Unbearable Little Man

Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/11 11:44AM

In Slate today, Adam Gopnik, the "Adam Gopnik's kids" correspondent for The New Yorker, explains the fine distinctions of New Yorkerania: "compare Mencken and Liebling, often mistaken as twin stylists, and you see the difference between heavy-handed Teutonic mockery and the ideal ironic, stinging, New Yorker tone."

News of the World Somehow Still Able to Sink Lower

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 03:20PM

In your manic Monday media column: Hackgate grows marginally dirtier, journalism majors make dat money, Malcolm Gladwell on Steve Jobs, the media lies, and Martin Nisenholtz retires.

Friday Is Media Layoff Day, Again

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/11 02:19PM

In your finally Friday media column: layoffs hit the NYDN and The Early Show, Business Insider's horrific possible future, an Occupied reporter set free, and the National Magazine Awards make progress.

Alt-Weeklies Need Sex And Drugs to Survive

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/11 01:59PM

In your throwback Thursday media column: protests loom at the Village Voice, layoffs at the LAT, Fox Business Network continues right on track, powerful people in the media, and a new Women's Health editor.

Jared Kushner Just Launching Any Old Paper Now

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/11 01:28PM

In your wispy Wednesday media column: Jared Kushner's latest scheme, Michele Norris's replacement, the gradual death of print continues, Harper's Bazaar revamps, and Chris Matthews make a funny.

Adam Lambert Fans Will Do Anything for a Copy of This Magazine

Brian Moylan · 10/31/11 04:46PM

When I saw this sign offering $20 for the current issue of The Advocate, the very serious older brother of the gay publishing world, with Adam Lambert on the cover, I thought it was a joke. After all, this is the current issue. But no. It seems the gay singer and mascara addict is creating a worldwide magazine shortage.