In your sunny Wednesday media column: News Corp's Australian head departs, James Murdoch goes back to Parliament, a newspaper CEO sees the light, Univision is massive, and Newark Politico vs The Politico.

  • John Hartigan, the respected chairman and CEO of News Corp's Australian division, is leaving the company. And being replaced by... Rupert Murdoch! You could be forgiven for saying, "I don't like the sound of that."
  • Also in crumbling News Corp news: James Murdoch is speaking to Parliament again tomorrow, to explain why he lied about all that stuff some of the discrepancies between his earlier statements and subsequent evidence that has emerged. Young corporate star in the making!
  • Haha, Mike Reed, the CEO of newspaper company Gatehouse Media, has had an insightful business insight: "We need to become more than a newspaper company." Like, could we get into military contracting, maybe? America will always need missiles.
  • Did you know that Spanish language channel Univision is the #1 Friday night network in the 18-34 demographic? Probably not, because of your racism, which is something you should work on.
  • Someone is trying to start up a new media outlet called Newark Politico, and the original THE POLITICO is not too happy about it. This is the most exciting THE POLITICO controversy since, I dunno, probably the whole "Black man elected president" fiasco of 2008-present.

[Photo: AP]