In your murky Wednesday media column: America's largest newsprint maker goes bankrupt, the HuffPo tries its hand at "journalism," an Irena Briganti hunt, Nick Denton vs. the commenters, and the NFL's launching a magazine.

  • Peter Brant owns the glamorous magazine Interview. He also owns SP Newsprint, America's biggest newsprint maker, which just declared bankruptcy. Who would have thought that a newsprint company would declare bankruptcy? Ehhh? You know what I mean? Ehhh? Get it? Peter Brant, ladies and gentlemen. Don't worry, he has that print magazine to fall back on! Haha. Along with his millions of dollars of personal wealth.
  • The Huffington Post: still in business, you can check! But how's it going in terms of HuffPo becoming "a serious news operation that could be a contender among the great capital-J Journalism institutions in the country"? Well, you know, reasonable people can disagree.
  • Recently un-Poyntered media blogger Jim Romenesko is working on a new piece about legendarily vindictive Fox News flack Irena Briganti. Since Irena Briganti is always a model of professionalism and human compassion, she has nothing to worry about.
  • Stereotypical evil blog mogul Nick Denton said yesterday that he has "plans in the works" for improving the quality of the comments around here. Hmmm. Start speculating!
  • The NFL is launching a new print magazine called, get this, NFL Magazine. As a professional media analyst I predict that this magazine will suck, and also be a big success. You're better off reading Deadspin.

[Photo via Terry Johnston/Flickr]