In your throwback Thursday media column: protests loom at the Village Voice, layoffs at the LAT, Fox Business Network continues right on track, powerful people in the media, and a new Women's Health editor.

  • WE HEAR that Village Voice editor Tony Ortega has warned his staff that the paper could soon be picketed by anti-sex-trafficking advocates protesting the sex ads on, the Craigslist ripoff which—along with ads for marijuana dispensaries, in some papers—are literally keeping all of Village Voice Media afloat. (One logistical problem, we hear: the Voice recently laid off its receptionist, leaving no one to receive angry protesters and angry phone calls at the front desk.) Basically sex and drugs are all that alt-weeklies have left. Just as they began. Seems fine, to us? Anyhow. If you're going to protest the Village Voice, email me! (I don't really agree with your cause, though.) *Oh, here it is.
  • The new newspaper double dip recession is creeping... slowly... further. Today: 10-20 layoffs are coming to the LA Times, according to LA Observed. Which paper will be next? Oh, probably most of them, eventually.
  • Haha, hey, how is Fox Business Network doing these days, haha? Good? Haha. No, all joking aside, they're doing as poorly as ever. Haha.
  • Media still has a modicum of power! Both evil titan Rupert Murdoch and new NYT editor Jill Abramson made Forbes' last listicle of "most powerful people in the world." Not on the list: whatever terribly obscure figure is running Forbes these days.
  • Amy Keller Laird, the former deputy editor of Allure, is the new "co-executive editor" of Women's Health. Let's just have one thing that we can simply appreciate as a nice accomplishment, shall we?

[Photo: Stan/ Flickr]