In your maudlin Tuesday media column: Jimmy Kimmel gets an important job, the St. Petersburg Times is no more, a cartoonist canned for plagiarism, Rock Center debuts, and a journalist has a heart attack.

  • OH, PERFECT: Professional manchild Jimmy Kimmel will be the host of the next White House Correspondents Dinner—or, as I like to call it, White House Whores Despondence Dinner, heh. But seriously, folks, all the biggest whores in the DC press corps will be there, whoring it up with the people upon whom they ostensibly serve a watchdog function. It's just the right crowd for Jimmy's irreverent wisecracks. Great choice.
  • The St. Petersburg Times is dead. It is now the Tampa Bay Times. Sad. Tampa Bay is such a trashy city.
  • David Simpson, the cartoonist for Urban Tulsa Weekly, has resigned after being caught plagiarizing multiple(!) cartoons. Perhaps you're just not cut out for the big city weekly cartooning game, David Simpson.
  • So, did you catch the premiere of NBC's new 60 Minutes-style thing "Rock Center" last night? I did not. Did you? (No, you didn't.) I'm asking. How was it? It featured a bit with Jon Stewart, so I imagine it is fresh, bold, and cutting edge. Put your reviews in the comments. Not all at once.
  • Houston Press music editor Chris Gray had a heart attack yesterday Friday. Get well soon, Chris.

[Photo via Getty]