
Gossip Roundup: Woe is Lloyd Grove

Jessica · 10/26/05 11:19AM

Daily News publisher and editorial director Martin Dunn calls employee Lloyd Grove a "fucking idiot" with a "stupid" column. Christ, we don't even talk like that! Grove, however, bends over and takes the abuse — and probably likes it. [Page Six]
• Meanwhile, Lloyd doesn't help his case by calling the upcoming Johnny Cash biopic Ring of Fire when it's actually Walk the Line. Alas, the harsh permanence of print journalism. [Lowdown]
• Newsflash: Celebs carry guns and probably want to shoot you! [Page Six]
• Should Janet Jackson be more upset about a video of her sunbathing semi-nude that's currently circulating the interweb, or would it be the secret teenage daughter that's really bugging her? [Scoop]
• Actor Omar Sharif gets wasted, mercilessly beats valet. In Shariff's defense, the valet was Mexican. [R&M]

Lowdown Stands Tall

Jesse · 10/12/05 11:26AM

We would have noted this at the start of the month, but some of us were out of the country and woefully, blissfully far away from any access to Movable Type:

Gawker's Week in Review: Kate Moss Sings 'Casey Jones'

Jessica · 09/23/05 06:15PM

• Kate Moss continues her downward spiral after being outed as a very pretty cokewhore. We'll always let you bang a couple lines off of our tummies, Katie darling.
• We lost our minds a bit more than usual and opened up a fancypants comments club. Shockingly, not everyone loves it.
Times scribe Alessandra Stanley has had some accuracy problems before. But now, things seem to be getting worse much, much worse.
• The Observer suggested Daily News gossipite Lloyd Grove was on his way out, but the man issued a firm, but loving denial.
• A chunk of the Times newsroom dies a bloody death; editor Keller responds with his usual, war-torn rhetoric.
• The Wall Street Journal gave birth to a big weekend baby, which may or may not have a developmental disability.
• Speaking of the developmentally disabled, the TimesSelect premium content was one giant bumblefuck at first. We should note, however, that a kindly NYTimes.com product manager took pity on us — without us asking — and finally made ours work. Turns out we had some weird, funkly problem, but his general advice is: Log out then log back in. We hear that really fixes things.

Lloyd Grove: Every Word the 'Observer' Writes Is a Lie, Including 'And' and 'The'

Jesse · 09/22/05 09:06AM

Remember yesterday when the Observer said Lloyd Grove was not much longer for the Daily News? The pink paper said that Grove had a contract for two years, rather than the three previously reported, and that his tenure "may not extend through a third year." Grove himself wasn't quoted in the piece — we've got to assume the Observer tried to reach him and he declined to talk, or at least only spoke off the record — but as of today he's on the record totally denying the item.

The Lowdown No More?

Jesse · 09/21/05 10:37AM

Say it ain't so! The Observer gossips today that Lowdown Lloyd Grove might well be out of the Daily News by the end of the month.