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Remember yesterday when the Observer said Lloyd Grove was not much longer for the Daily News? The pink paper said that Grove had a contract for two years, rather than the three previously reported, and that his tenure "may not extend through a third year." Grove himself wasn't quoted in the piece — we've got to assume the Observer tried to reach him and he declined to talk, or at least only spoke off the record — but as of today he's on the record totally denying the item.

Speaking to The Washington Post's "Names and Faces" column, which is currently filling his old "Reliable Sources" space in that paper, Grove was pretty adamant:

"It's not true," he told us yesterday. "That article had not one correct fact in it. They spelled my name right. Everything else about the article was wrong."

Well, hey, Lloyd, you know what they say: As long as they spell your name right...

Names & Faces [WP, second item]
Earlier: The Lowdown No More?