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From Tricia Romano's Fly Life column in the Village Voice:

I was greatly entertained by Lloyd Grove's write-up of [Moby's] party in the Daily News, claiming that Cynthia Rowley, Rocco DiSpirito, Julia Stiles, and Crispin Glover were in attendance. While the first three celebs were there, the Daily News' "spy" doesn't get out much because "Crispin" was really Interpol's Carlos D. [...] Spy also missed Isaac Mizrahi and the juiciest detail of the night: After the party was broken up, Bono finally arrived at 3 a.m.

Oh, poor Lloyd — but Romano's always willing to help a colleague in need. Apparently the nightlife pixie sent old man Grove a heartfelt letter offering to take Lloyd out to the downtown clubs and parties in exchange for a tour of the uptown classy joints. We're also told she sent along an L.E.S. Hipster Survival Package, complete with a copy of the NME, photos of Carlos D and Crispin Glover, and a pair of reading glasses (all of which, we suspect, will go straight to errand boy Hud Morgan's desk).

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