
Did Lizzie Grubman Save Young Buck From Suicide?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/08 03:56PM

According to an unconfirmed story out of Nashville on a hip hop news site's "rumors" section, rapper Young Buck-a former member of G-Unit and buddy of 50 Cent-tried to commit suicide by swallowing pills. The police came and took him to the hospital, and he's okay. And who saved his life, according to this unconfirmed report? Blond Hamptons-crashing PR queen Lizzie fucking Grubman. If true [UPDATE: We hear that it's not, although we're waiting for official confirmation], this is the weirdest story of the day, or decade. The vital details:

Kravitz Believes He Was Smeared

Ryan Tate · 07/09/08 06:01AM
  • Lenny Kravitz thinks the rumor about him having an affair with the wife of Yankees star Alex Rodriguez originated with his conniving, now-fired manager. A furious Madonna, meanwhile, is trying to muzzle the same wife's lawyer for insinuating she had "an affair of the heart" with Alex.

Wasserstein Has a New Woman

cityfile · 07/09/08 05:54AM
  • Billionaire mogul Bruce Wasserstein is leaving his youthful, second wife Claude for an even more youthful "Asian beauty," whom he has been introducing to friends as his girlfriend. According to the Daily News, this practice of old, white men stepping out with younger Asian chicks might just be a trend! [Rush & Molloy]

Madonna and Guy Keep a Continent Apart

cityfile · 06/30/08 05:05AM
  • Good to know that even though Madonna and Guy Ritchie's relationship is on the rocks, their spiritual lives remain intact. Madonna spent the weekend in New York and attended the Kabbalah center in Midtown on Friday and Saturday; Guy paid a visit to the center in London. [People]

Calling All Tastemakers: Lizzie Grubman Wants You

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/08 05:32PM

Reality-show subject, Hamptons auto menace, and PR party planner to the stars Lizzie Grubman is helping her client YRB Magazine put out its most glam issue ever! But to do it, she needs the help of you, young tastemakers who "embody street couture." Select stars of the scene are invited to YRB's sweet party and photo shoot, where they can pick out their own outfits from "racks and racks" of designer clothing, get their pictures taken, and—bonus—get a free tattoo in the "adult playground!" I can't imagine why anyone would turn down this opportunity to pimp themselves out. The YRB store has the freshest selection of t-shirts on Lower Broadway! Grubman's full email invite to the "beautiful people," after the jump:

Snubbed Blogger Strikes Back Against Grubman PR Powers That Be

Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/08 11:13AM

When you're a freelance writer and blogger forced to come all the way from Connecticut just for a Suzie Wong event, you'd better get in or there will be hell to pay. When Adam Bernard was shamefully denied entrance to the party last week, he decided to take out his wrath on the organizers, the PR firm of society mover and pedestrian runner-over Lizzie Grubman, by posting a video on his blog. Wrathful! Listen with sympathy as Adam details the "horrific" experience of being turned away at the door:

Lizzie Grubman

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:34PM

The founder of Grubman PR, it was Lizzie's turn at the wheel of an SUV that made her a household name.

BREAKING: Lizzie Grubman Can Vote?

Pareene · 01/09/08 12:20PM

Did Lizzie Grubman... lie? The celebrity publicist is a convicted felon, and New York doesn't allow incarcerated felons or parolees to vote. After parole, though, they're fine! They can vote any time they like! And according to a cursory Google search, Grubman received five years' probation for running over those people in the Hamptons. She was sentenced in 2002. It's 2008. So it seems like she could vote this year, if she really wanted to! Someone tell us if we're wrong here, we can't bear to imagine the possibility that Lizzie and Page Six misled us. [People] [Previously]

Grubman Disenfranchised, Nation Weeps

Pareene · 01/09/08 11:25AM

Pedestrian-mowing PR queen Lizzie Grubman can't vote. Because she's a convicted felon! And while some candidates feel no compunction about asking for cash from that particular group, Grubman declines all requests. "A lot of candidates have asked for my help with my contacts and although I'd love to help, I have to decline because at the end of the day my opinion really doesn't matter," Grubman told Page Six. Silly murderess! They don't care about your vote! Don't you remember how much money you have? Oh, wait, she does: "Unless one of them wants to pardon me so I can vote again." [NYP] [Photo: Tana Lee Alves for Wire Image]

Billy Joel Lite Rocks The Hamptons

Joshua Stein · 08/06/07 05:02PM

When Billy Joel played a concert at the Ross School in East Hampton on Saturday night, he did so to an audience that supposedly had paid $3,000 a piece to see him. The not-so-dirty non-secret is that hardly anyone actually paid for tickets. Certainly Mary-Kate Olsen, crunched up to the front of the stage and looking like a tiny bejeweled bonobo, didn't. Jon Bon Jovi, looking older and hairier than we had ever seen him, probably didn't. Ditto for Steve Guttenberg. Then again, does Steve Guttenberg pay for anything ever? Though the Lizzie Grubman folks firmly refused our photographer Laurel Ptak entry, she did capture the weird scene outside of the concert. It was kind of like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" but with "Piano Man" in the background. Most of the ladies were Eastern European models and had no idea who Billy Joel was. Most of the men would have, in any other context, taken the question "What's your favorite Billy Joel song?" as an affront to their sexuality and have punched you. But things work differently here in the Hamptons. One fella in a striped shirt gamely responded, "Rocketman. That's my favorite song." Well, maybe it's ours too. After, everyone drove drunk.

Is Prince Worth $15,000 A Ticket? Wonders Faux Dowager

Choire · 07/16/07 10:20AM

Have you met Cognac Wellerlane? The cotton candy-haired gal is the Hamptons 'n' society correspondent for Long Island Exchange. (Whatever that is!) Lady Cognac is incensed at the Hamptons Social concert benefits (handled by everyone's favorite Hamptonite, Lizzie "I fought the law" Grubman), which benefit the Ross School. (Um, tuition: $23,150.) "The buzz around town was Prince's concert," writes the aged gadabout in today's column. "The much anticipated hyped concert series has received enormous mass media attention not just for its line-up—primarily featuring hugely successful singing artists who are, nonetheless, over 40 and lacking major hits since the millennium began—but for its ticket price: $15,000 a pop. Is Prince really worth that?" How dare you Cognac!

Lizzie Grubman Has Breakthrough, Realizes She Wants Your Apartment

Jessica · 09/13/06 10:35AM

In today's Observer, there's some thrilling news for all those Lizzie Grubman fans out there: the very pregnant PR diva's father, entertainment lawyer Alan Grubman, has bought daddy's little girl a one-bedroom apartment in the Savoy, on East 61st and 3rd Avenue. Of course, Lizzie already has two units in the building, one below and one next to the new apartment:

Casting Call: Seeking an African-American Anna Wintour

Jesse · 06/07/06 10:50AM

Here's a snip from a model call sheet being circulated to talent agencies today by our pals at Getty Images. (Are they threatening to sue us, too? It's getting so hard to keep track.) It's amusing enough to read the specifics of their politically correct tableau vivant — Latinos can be elite VPs, too! — and consider the possibility of "a nicer Lizzie Grubman." But here's what we're really wondering: Has anyone broken the news to Anna Wintour that she's black?

Lizzie Grubman Plans for 'White Trash' Baby

Jessica · 05/10/06 10:36AM

Page Six reports today that omnipresent publicist Lizzie Grubman and her new husband Chris Stern are expecting their first child. The two were married not two months ago and recently returned from their honeymoon in Paris, but Lizzie's a multitasker and a busy lady. When it comes to matters of her womb, there's no time to waste.

Strangely Enough, Grubman PR Intern Fired for Whoring

Jessica · 04/11/06 12:12PM

Last week, we pointed out a Craigslist item regarding Jennifer Posey, a Grubman PR intern who was looking for work by posting her resume online, complete with the glaring header "Lizzie Grubman PR Girl Seeks NEW Career." It would seem that she's been forced to get that new career more quickly than she may have preferred: Shortly after the Craigslist posting got around, Posey was sent packing. Oh, how those fleeting unpaid internships.