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Reality-show subject, Hamptons auto menace, and PR party planner to the stars Lizzie Grubman is helping her client YRB Magazine put out its most glam issue ever! But to do it, she needs the help of you, young tastemakers who "embody street couture." Select stars of the scene are invited to YRB's sweet party and photo shoot, where they can pick out their own outfits from "racks and racks" of designer clothing, get their pictures taken, and—bonus—get a free tattoo in the "adult playground!" I can't imagine why anyone would turn down this opportunity to pimp themselves out. The YRB store has the freshest selection of t-shirts on Lower Broadway! Grubman's full email invite to the "beautiful people," after the jump:

Hey Sweetie,

I am emailing because I am working with YRB Magazine who is in the process of shooting their Fall Fashion Issue, and we would love to feature YOU in it!! This year we figured we would do something a bit different and over-the-top to ensure it is the most glam issue of YRB to date. We are hosting a blow out event in conjunction to this fashion photo shoot titled, "HOW YOU ROCK IT" ...
The spread will showcase the hottest upcoming fashion trends while YRB is assembling an array of notable New York influencers who we find embody street couture. Basically a diverse cast of tastemakers, artists, press, music makers, move shakers, creatives, beautiful people and all-around cool kids who are fashionable yet edgy and have made a solid name for themselves in the circles they run with.
For the photo shoot we will have racks and racks of clothing and designer labels, where invited guests will be asked to come by (camera-ready / hair & make-up will be on hand for touch-ups), and style themselves out in an original outfit they choose and feel best represents their personal style. Guests will pose in front of a white seamless backdrop to be photographed by one of the country's leading photographers for a spread in the Fall/September issue. The finished product will include a photo and stat sheet allowing YOU to plug new projects.
As this experimental fashion shoot goes down we have set up a chill lounge to serve as an "adult playground" for our guests. We have graffiti and tattoo stations posted where artists will be on hand doing complimentary work, in addition to video game consoles throughout the venue. A variety of notable DJs will be spinning during the event, & drinks and food will be served.
The event and photo shoot goes down on June 25th from 7pm to 11pm at the Red Bull Space located at 40 Thompson. Please save the date and reply ASAP if YOU would like to take part of this so we can confirm space in the magazine! This is guaranteed to be the hottest and most exclusive events this summer...

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you! Xo