Have you met Cognac Wellerlane? The cotton candy-haired gal is the Hamptons 'n' society correspondent for Long Island Exchange. (Whatever that is!) Lady Cognac is incensed at the Hamptons Social concert benefits (handled by everyone's favorite Hamptonite, Lizzie "I fought the law" Grubman), which benefit the Ross School. (Um, tuition: $23,150.) "The buzz around town was Prince's concert," writes the aged gadabout in today's column. "The much anticipated hyped concert series has received enormous mass media attention not just for its line-up—primarily featuring hugely successful singing artists who are, nonetheless, over 40 and lacking major hits since the millennium began—but for its ticket price: $15,000 a pop. Is Prince really worth that?" How dare you Cognac!

Hamptons Happenings [LI Exchange]