Conscience Point Just Can't Get Over Grubman

Over at privileged Hamptons blog The Beach, some nostalgic weirdness in the mailbag (at right). The note reads:
Please call me as soon as possible as I need to speak with you regarding the July 6, 2001 accident at the Conscience Point Inn on the Hamptons. It is very important. Please call. Thank you.
That incident at Conscience Point was, of course, when publicist Lizzie Grubman, angered by the "white trash" bouncer, gracefully backed her Merecedes SUV over sixteen people waiting to get into the club. But we seriously doubt this private investigator is up to no good — he's probably just planning a five-year anniversary party. Or maybe the sixteen victims just want to help with Lizzie's baby shower. Nothing but smiles, people!
Beach Throwback: Grubman Investigation Lives On? [The Beach]
Earlier: Lizzie Grubman Plans for 'White Trash' Baby