
Zach Nelson buys Larry's Bentley

ndouglas · 04/27/06 07:22PM

Zach Nelson doesn't hide his hero worship, does he? The Netsuite CEO pulls off the kingly pose of his company's founder, the CEO of Oracle, just right. And a reader says Zach's riding dad's wheels too:

Perks of being Larry: free real estate ads

ndouglas · 04/10/06 01:02PM

Reason #78 that it's awesome to be Oracle CEO Larry Ellison: Every now and then, for no apparent reason, the Mercury News will help you sell your house.

Boat porn from Larry Ellison's yacht

ndouglas · 04/07/06 12:55PM

It's like Christmas and Boat Porn Day rolled into one: the SF Chron's Technology Chronicles splatters a whole gallery of photos from Larry Ellison's emergency backup yacht. Last night Netsuite (Larry Ellison's killer) threw a yacht party — to generally celebrate being rich — on the richly furnished boat.

Yachtwatch: Larry Ellison names new boat

ndouglas · 03/30/06 03:48PM

He built another boat — Oracle founder Larry Ellison and his Oracle BMW racing team brought 500 guests to a "naming ceremony" for their new boat. It's unclear whether "USA 87" was the chosen name or the replaced placeholder, but I desperately hope it's the latter.

Valley billionaire horoscopes

ndouglas · 03/28/06 09:26PM

Forbes milks its Billionaire List publicity with billionaire horoscopes, built from commentary by professional astrologists. (Yes, this is how Forbes spends its budget.) Their lead: lots of rich folks were born under the sign of the virgin. (All right, who else predicted that?)

Larry Ellison about to strike it rich

ndouglas · 03/27/06 09:59PM

Larry Ellison's startup NetSuite Inc. is finally prepping for its IPO. The software company expects to slide into the black later this year. NetSuite CEO Zach Nelson is shooting for a $100 million valuation.

SAP vs. Oracle: Join the dork side

ndouglas · 03/23/06 02:27PM

This is why geeks shouldn't have free time: they might go and make a Star Wars spoof. Some SAP AG employee jets around on a scooter as "Darth Ellison" (a popular nickname for Larry Ellison, CEO of enemy enterprise software company Oracle). He's beaten back by the perfect-enunciation team of "Jedi ABAP" and "Jedi Java." The end credits call it a "private joke" — private for YouTube, anyway.

Larry the mighty raccoon hunter

ndouglas · 03/09/06 12:36PM

In a perfect world, every true Valley celeb sighting would involve raccoons and crossbows. For now, this story about Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, by the inimitable blogger Curt Hopkins, can feed your bizarre robber-baron fantasies.

Larry lets a logo slip

ndouglas · 03/03/06 04:26PM

Larry Ellison became the Michael Jordan of Oracle (not by leaving the game, playing the minor leagues, and coming back to much fanfare — that's Steve Jobs) when he forgot to tape over an embarrassing logo on a widely viewed video.

Larry Ellison, yachting pioneer

ndouglas · 03/01/06 03:21PM

While some tech moguls make careful plans for the eventual transformation of life and thought as we know it, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison is applying "mathematical and experimental analysis" to that grandest of human achievements: a really fast boat.

Larry Ellison: the Oren Ishi of software

ndouglas · 02/24/06 02:05PM

So Oracle bought Sleepycat. Congrats to the now very wealthy Bostic and Seltzer, but y'all do realize you've sold your heads to a guillotine salesman, right?

Slate 60: Valleywag edition

ndouglas · 02/20/06 05:51PM

Slate published its 2005 Slate 60, the leaderboard for "competitive philanthropy." As always, the list of the top charitable donations and pledges includes a good showing from the tech industry.

Who hates who in software

ndouglas · 02/16/06 07:47PM

Scott McNealy made a few good jabs at his frenemy Microsoft. The Sun CEO's best gag was implying he wants to shoot Bill Gates in the face. Ha! Ha! Such friendly jests!