
Children of the rich and famous: Ellison's flyboy

Nick Douglas · 09/19/06 07:35PM

In case you haven't seen the promotional interviews yet ("Actor David Ellison is no stranger to flying"), the 23-year-old son of Oracle founder Larry Ellison stars in the period flick Flyboys, an indie film partially funded by Larry and wife Melanie Craft.

Valleywag party report: Google's Larry Page rocks the urban mullet

Nick Douglas · 09/12/06 04:35PM

Last night, I cheated my way into a book party for California-based writer and web publisher Arianna Huffington at the San Francisco guest house of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and romance novelist Melanie Craft Ellison. First lesson: Don't go to a society event dressed for a Silicon Valley geek party. Second lesson: F. Scott Fitzgerald was right, the rich are not like you and me.

Ellison's exes spew vitriol at his wife Melanie

Nick Douglas · 08/24/06 08:00AM

Larry Ellison's always been Mr. Hollywood, and when it comes to women, he's true to form — or at least his reputation is. Over the past few weeks, commenters claiming to be the Oracle founder's ex-lovers invaded the review forum for a romance novel by his wife, Melanie Craft (pictured). Says one:

Oracle dude's got no game: Larry Ellison loses bid for Seattle SuperSonics

Nick Douglas · 07/20/06 03:13PM

Larry Ellison, Oracle founder and Chuck Norris stunt double, lost yet another bid for a sports team when the Seattle SuperSonics rebuffed his $425-million offer. The Sonics didn't want to move to San Jose as Ellison planned. Instead, the Sonics owners sold (for just $350 million) to Oklahoma investors who will keep the team in Seattle.

How Larry and Sergey's jet stacks up to other men's

Nick Douglas · 07/10/06 09:36PM

The Google jet being custom-fitted for founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin is a monumental achievement in the size wars of Silicon Valley billionaires. Larry and Sergey's Boeing 767 outclasses all other corporate jets in length. As shown above, its impressive girth also dwarfs those of lesser moguls.

Unintended consequences of geek fame

Nick Douglas · 06/30/06 09:07PM

The Washington Post and "don't call me the Segway inventor" Dean Kamen want geeks to be famous. Rather than letting creative geniuses get all the glory for their piddly "Oscars" and their "works of timeless art," the Post and Kamen want kids to worship real role models like the Google guys and YouTube founders.

Ellison stiffed Harvard because girls stink at math

Nick Douglas · 06/28/06 09:00AM

Larry Ellison released a messenger falcon from his castle turrets to officially announce why he stiffed Harvard for a promised $115 million donation. Without Harvard prez Larry Summers on board, Ellison's minions said, he just didn't feel the gift was right.

OMG BFF! A field guide to tech mogul buddies

Nick Douglas · 06/27/06 09:02PM

When the New York Times (and every other media outlet — good job, Buffett's PR firm!) went on and on about Warren Buffett's $31-billion donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and how Buffett and Gates are such good pals, it seemed fair to point out other tech mogul buddies like the heads of Apple, Oracle, and Google — and to diagram them in this handy guide.

Remainders: Fucked CEO

Nick Douglas · 06/05/06 09:13PM
  • In a fit of business brilliance, Microsoft launched a paid PC care service, thus profiting from the shittiness of its own products. [Australian IT]