
Larry the devourer

ndouglas · 02/16/06 12:56PM

So Oracle "devoured" Siebel and "aggressively" "snapped up" HotSip. Now it "has MySQL by the throat." Why so harsh? Isn't Larry Ellison a caring, friendly guy with a caring, friendly company?

Chuck Norris is Larry Ellison

ndouglas · 02/15/06 12:27PM

When Hollywood makes its Oracle movie ("All Your Database Are Belong to Us"), I hope the casting director has connections. Because Larry Ellison should be played by no lesser man than Chuck Norris.

Remainders: Information wants to be Larry's

ndouglas · 02/14/06 11:48PM

Beware the Valentine-tie-in press release. The Register gets cute about the crap that companies send the press. [The Register]
New Internet — all the stuff that wasn't wrong with Old Internet. [Techdirt]
Larry Ellison will eat anything. The latest Oracle acquisition is another open source firm. [CNet]
Oh, that's rich. "I failed my Google exam. Ergo, Google will die." [Craigslist]
Jeff Veen's letter to early Measure Map users: "You can expect great things from this acquisition." Sure, like with Blogger and Dodgeball. [Yugatech]

Valleywag hotties: Is the yachter hotter?

ndouglas · 02/14/06 05:01PM

Larry Ellison thinks he's God. Steve Jobs rules the Cult of Mac. The mogul pals spend millions to build shiny white toys — Larry his giant boat, Jobs his tiny pods. Which of these bears has the fiercer growl?

Remainders: Ted Leonsis exposes his blog

ndouglas · 02/09/06 11:05PM

AOL vice chairman Ted Leonsis opens his blog to the public; linking to Jason Calacanis somehow fails to get above Blogebrity's C-list. [Ted's Take via Blogebrity]
How not to answer a job ad: "more details about you gets more details about me." [The Post Money Value]
Oracle fires 2,000 people after its Siebel buyout. Thankfully, they can all live comfortably in Larry Ellison's yacht. [Register]
Sketchiest Suicide Girls description ever: "It's a blogging site for people with awesome tattoos and piercings. You'd be perfect!" He forgot to mention, you know, the porn part. [Niall Kennedy]
Old and busted vs. new hotness [Yahoo on Flickr]:

Eric Schmidt's house is worth $3 million

ndouglas · 02/09/06 01:23AM

Got a few million and looking for a CEO home to buy? Good luck getting these guys to sell their mansions, but Zillow at least lets you know the estimated values. And, well, either the estimations suck, or Larry Ellison is content with much less in Woodside than his old Atherton place.

Larry Ellison's money: the villa in Woodside

ndouglas · 02/01/06 05:40PM

Larry Ellison's Japanese-style estate in Woodside has been for sale since May 2005, when he listed it for $25 million. The estate was modeled after a Imperial Age Japanese village, so authentically that Ellison had to battle to get real toilets instead of the more accurate holes in the ground. But the villa is being shopped — maybe he actually listened to his accountant. Now Ellison stays in his home on San Francisco's Broadway, where he can spend his money in front of a bigger audience.

Meet the new yacht: Larry Ellison's Rising Sun

ndouglas · 02/01/06 04:30PM

Thought the yacht that gave ulcers to Larry Ellison's accountant was extravagant? Feast your eyes on the Rising Sun. At 454 feet, it's the longest privately owned boat in the world. Master yacht designer Jon Bannenberg built it for Ellison. The design started at 300 feet and growing as Larry heard about other billionaire boats. By now, his accountant is discovering new and exciting kinds of heart attacks.

Larry Ellison made his accountant cry

ndouglas · 01/31/06 12:26PM

Larry Ellison's accountant got emotional in his letters to the high-spending Oracle CEO. The San Francisco Chronicle got copies of accountant Philip Simon's e-mails begging Ellison to cut his billion-dollar credit line.

Do I get two guesses?

ndouglas · 01/24/06 08:12PM

SAP AG exec and self-named "Israeli Assassin" Shai Agassi about competitor Oracle: