
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 09/18/08 06:16AM

James Gandolfini got married a couple weeks ago. Today he celebrates a birthday: He's 47. Others on the b-day list today: Lance Armstrong is 37. Designer Karim Rashid is 48. Jada Pinkett Smith is turning 37. Actress (and former Talk Soup host) Aisha Tyler is 38. Holly Robinson (of 21 Jump Street fame) is 44. Senator Bob Bennett of Utah is 74. Actor/murder suspect Robert Blake turns 75. And actor James Marsden is 35.

Follieri to Prison, Piven to New York?

cityfile · 09/10/08 05:45AM
  • Raffaello Follieri is expected to appear in court later this morning and plead guilty to wire fraud and money laundering, a deal that will land him a jail term of 51 to 63 months. [NYP]

Lance Armstrong Uses More Water Than Anyone Else in the World

Richard Lawson · 08/15/08 02:05PM

Or at least in Austin. Bracelet mogul and velocipede artist Lance Armstrong lives in Texas's capital city-which is experiencing something of a drought right now (Mother Earth is trying to take out the cartridge and blow on it, but nothing seems to be working.) Anyway! Recently Austin city officials did a study and found that Lance Armstrong had higher one-month (June) water use than anyone else in the entire city. A professional and capable competitor, Lance simply must be the best at everything. Though he sounds upset: "I need to fix this," Armstrong said of his 222,900 gallon water spree. "To use that much more water (than most residents) is unacceptable. I have no interest in being the top water user in Austin, Texas." Somewhere else, sure, no problem. But not in Austin, Texas. It's probably just sprinklers and stuff for his sprawling grounds, but I also like to imagine Armstrong running all over his property, doggedly carrying a large porcelain toilet and flushing it repeatedly. If this doesn't win him back Cheryl Crow or Kate Hudson or, you know, his devoted wife who stuck by him during mind-boggling illness only to be left in the dust when he got famous, then I don't know what will. [Statesman]

The Project Runway Battle Rages On

cityfile · 07/30/08 05:34AM
  • New revelations from the legal battle between The Weinstein Co. and NBC over Project Runway: It turns out that Tim Gunn didn't get paid a dime for his participation during the show's first season (he got paid just $2,500 per episode for the second), Harvey Weinstein hates Bravo chief Lauren Zalaznick, and Bravo didn't send Heidi Klum a respectable thank-you gift, even after the show became a major hit. [R&M]

Lance, If You're Not Going To Let Me Win, Then How's This Thing Going To Work?

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/08/08 06:35PM

While attempting to recreate Nadal-Federer Wimbledon finale, popular celebrity couple Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong got into bit of a tiff. During the match, Hudson changed who she wanted to be; first, she was Federer, but then she wanted to be Nadal when she remembered that Nadal won the match. Armstrong said that you have to stick with the person you picked before sending a hard and fast serve towards Hudson. Hudson walked off the court and told Armstrong that he always wins and it'd be nice if she got to win for once. Armstrong thought for a moment and told Hudson that she can win this match, but she can't tell anybody.

Hey, That's Great, Lance. Say, You Haven't Seen My Flip Flops, Have You?

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/03/08 11:30AM

Long time BFFs Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey reunited on Wednesday afternoon for a run in MQLIGU. Armstrong lovingly gushed about his relationship with Kate Hudson for a majority of their jog. McConaughey was surprised to hear that Armstrong had already met Hudson's mother. McConaughey has yet to met Goldie Hawn after doing two films with Hudson. Armstrong asked his good buddy for some advice on how to handle things with Hudson, but McConaughey quickly changed the subject. McConaughey wanted to know if Armstrong had seen his flip flops. McConaughey has felt his entire vibe has been completely out of sync ever since he lost his favorite pair of sandals.

Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn, And Some Homeless Guy Who Looks Like Lance Armstrong All Went To Lunch

Molly Friedman · 07/02/08 02:05PM

You know what the best part about dating Kate Hudson is? Not the fun beachside lunches with a jolly Goldie Hawn and doting “unidentified males.” Not the late-night games of Pin The Tail On The Boob with 9-year old Ryder. Nor is it collecting your winnings from that bet you made with Owen Wilson about who could land the ebuillient blonde. No, the most enjoyable benefit to following Hudson around town and forcing grin after grin is the dynamite opportunity to finally get photographed dutifully wearing clothes coincidentally fashioned by your lifestyle-sustaining sponsor!

The Bitch Is Back

mr.guyball · 07/02/08 05:07AM
  • The new 90210 just got a whole lot better because Shannon "My Career Will Never Die" Doherty is in talks to play Brenda Walsh. Oh Hells Yeah. [Perez Hilton]

Lance Armstrong's Awesome Sex Life is Messing Up His Hero Status

ian spiegelman · 06/21/08 11:10AM

He beat cancer and won that phony Tour de France thing seven times, but Lance Armstrong's insatiable appetite for blondes of every shade from dirty to platinum is totally overshadowing all of his causes. "BOTH Lances were in town last week.The first, Lance Armstrong the bicycle champion and anticancer campaigner, was making television appearances to promote a new Web venture,, devoted to healthy living [...] But there was also plenty of publicity unauthorized by Mr. Armstrong, including three days of coverage in The New York Post, a string of articles on Us Magazine's Web site and an article in Life & Style entitled 'How Lance Stole Kate From Owen,' all chronicling Mr. Armstrong's relationship with the actress and tabloid darling Kate Hudson. This is the second Lance, the one called a 'notorious Texas playboy.'"

You Know It's A Slow News Day When Louis C.K. Gets His Picture Taken

Douglas Reinhardt · 06/20/08 02:00PM

Comedian's comedian and actor Louis C.K. was spotted by a paparazzi photographer while out in New York City. C.K. asked for the real reason why the photographer was taking a picture of him. The photographer thought for a minute and debated between saying something polite ("Hey, I loved you in that one show!") or being honest. The photographer ended up going the honest route and told C.K. that he had heard a scoop that Lance Armstrong and Kate Hudson were in the adjacent area and that he just wanted to make sure his camera's focus was still working. C.K. nodded and said, "Well, just don't let Dane Cook steal this bit from me and you, okay?"

How To Get The Olsen Twins Into Bed

Molly Friedman · 06/18/08 07:55PM

After attending a New York movie screening with rumored new boyfriend Justin Bartha last night, it appears that Ashley Olsen is about to finally make her new relationship public. And after years of tracking the Olsen Twins, we have to admit that we are more than a bit mystified by how these two ended up as a couple. The deliciously handsome actor, sort of memorable from National Treasure (for those of you bold enough to admit you've seen it), is about to become far more memorable after appearing opposite Catherine Zeta-Jones in next year's The Rebound. But more on our new crush this guy later. The question we can't quite answer yet has to do with both Olsens and their laundry list of former flings. Never failing to shock, both Mary Kate and Ashley have one of the most eccentric, baffling and WTF dating history between them. We examine each of their previous love interests in an attempt to figure out what exactly they find attractive, why they pick who they pick, and upon discovering quite the few lookers in the bunch, why these guys pick them, after the jump.

Winehouse is Down, Again

cityfile · 06/17/08 07:31AM
  • Amy Winehouse fainted at home yesterday and spent the night undergoing testing at a London hospital. So far the tests have proved inconclusive and doctors are stumped as to what exactly happened, which clearly means they're not reading the tabloids. [Reuters]

Preparing For The Tour De Lance

Ryan Tate · 06/15/08 06:32PM

Fresh stalker email: "It's confirmed - Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong are definitely a couple. Just checked out next to the them at Whole Foods on the Bowery. They had a full shopping cart. Guess everyone needs to buy groceries."

Let the Hamptons Summer Season Begin

cityfile · 05/27/08 07:49AM
  • Everyone was partying in the Hamptons this weekend. Molly Sims celebrated her birthday in Sag Harbor. Leo DiCaprio partied at Dune. Jeffrey Chodorow and Charlie Walk threw a dinner at the Kobe Beach Club. Even newly-convicted felon Wesley Snipes, who is free on bail, flew in to get wasted at a party in Water Mill. [Page Six]

Three Reasons Why We Don’t Buy The Kate Hudson And Lance Armstrong Love Story

Molly Friedman · 05/19/08 02:20PM

Only days after rumors surfaced that the on-and-off relationship between Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson had switched back to Off, the Stallion was seen preying on new anonymous blondes in New York City while lovelorn Kate was allegedly recuperating from the split. So naturally, the news that Hudson picked herself back up and found a new paramour in the fit form of one-ball wonder Lance Armstrong is slightly comforting. But after reading the details surrounding the pair’s so-called dates and blooming “romance,” we aren’t biting. The three clues in particular that leave us seated while others jump to conclusions, after the jump.

Sean Penn's Model Friend Getting A Bit Stalky

Ryan Tate · 05/19/08 08:07AM
  • Sean Penn is not cool with former close personal friend (and supermodel) Petra Nemcova talking to his wife, with whom the movie star is now reconciled. "It wasn't long before we saw Penn march over, take Robin by the elbow and lead her away, saying, 'Come and meet my friend.'" [Rush & Molloy]

Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong Enjoy Intimate Man Date At Cut

Seth Abramovitch · 02/12/08 08:05PM

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