• The new 90210 just got a whole lot better because Shannon "My Career Will Never Die" Doherty is in talks to play Brenda Walsh. Oh Hells Yeah. [Perez Hilton]
  • David Beckham's fish oil supplements give him bad breath, but he's contractually obliged to take them. I think I can ignore some funky breath when dealing with the hottest human being on the planet. [Hollyscoop]
  • Angelina Jolie has checked into a hospital in France for scheduled rest before the birth of the twins. She has not popped yet, to our knowledge. [Reuters]
  • Adrianne Curry is jumping in to the all-girl-celebrity-meat slugfest. She's joined Jessica Simpson's pro-brisket camp. [Hollyscoop]
  • Kate took Lance to visit the Goldie. [People.com]
  • Spencer Pratt apologized to Mary Kate for trash talking about her after her appearance on Letterman. Apologize!?! Truly, Spencer will do anything for press. [Hollyscoop]