• Sean Penn is not cool with former close personal friend (and supermodel) Petra Nemcova talking to his wife, with whom the movie star is now reconciled. "It wasn't long before we saw Penn march over, take Robin by the elbow and lead her away, saying, 'Come and meet my friend.'" [Rush & Molloy]
  • Actor John Stamos' black eye is from "a kick-boxing accident," which is totally the line I'm using if I ever get punched while drunk and end up "flailing" my arms. [P6]
  • Kate Hudson, who had been spotted with Owen Wilson, is now hanging out with cyclist Lance Armstrong, who used to date Ashley Olsen. [People]
  • Ashley Olsen's boyfriend, actor Justin Batha, used to date Lydia Hearst and is "a little psycho-y." Lance Armstrong is looking a little crazy by association here. [P6]
  • Is one wedding enough for pop diva Mariah Carey? What do you think? [Showbiz Spy]
  • Actress Gina Gershon was fired by her assistant, who then had a little party to celebrate. He's still got Natalie Portman and Brook Shields as clients, which means he's one of those assistants who, in turn, has his own assistants. [P6]
  • Meadow Soprano is on the market, and everyone is hitting on her, including, supposedly, Chace Crawford. [P6]
  • Britney Spears' vacation with Mel Gibson in Costa Rica is over. [OK!]
  • Here is a video of a younger Angelina Jolie talkinging about how bondage and the drugs she has done in the past. [Sun]
  • Scarlett Johansson doesn't want to hang out with Woody Allen at Cannes. Understandable. [Perez]