
Kim Kardashian Is Like, Fuck It; Here's a Pic of My Baby

Caity Weaver · 10/04/13 10:50AM

Last month, Kanye West reamed out Jimmy Kimmel on Twitter, bellowing, among other things, "YOU DON'T HAVE SCUM BAGS [sic] HOPPING OVER FENCES TRYING TO TAKE PICTURES OF YOUR DAUGHTER." Today, one of those snap-happy scumbags has been identified: West's lovely girlfriend, Kim Kardashian.

Caity Weaver · 06/18/13 12:13PM

MediaTakeOut claims that a nurse at Cedars Sinai Hospital has revealed the name of the Khrist Child: Kaidence Donda West. She already has tons of fake Twitter pages. Welcome to the world, Kaidence.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/15/13 02:08PM

The Daily Mail is reporting that Kim Kardashian checked into a birthing suite at Cedars-Sinai this morning in preparation for baby girl Kimye's big debut. Kris Jenner is expected to have endorsement contracts drawn up as soon as a name is chosen.

Kanye Walks Into Pole, Immediately Becomes Livid That Poles Exist

Caity Weaver · 05/10/13 06:00PM

Kanye West walked into a pole in Beverly Hills this afternoon and TMZ captured the moment on video, sort of (their cameraman had already rounded a corner by the time forehead-on-pole contact occurred, though he did rush over to film Kanye and girlfriend Kim Kardashian nursing the wound). This moment represents a low point for all of us: the cameraman for failing to capture the moment of collision, then running back excitedly after it had passed; Kim Kardashian for waking up this morning and dressing herself like a pregnant Morticia Addams; all of us, who came here because we thought it might be funny to see Kanye West run into a pole (final verdict: not as funny as I thought it would be, though it's hard to say how funny it might have been in the hands of a skilled videographer); Kanye West for running into a pole.