Real Life Gossip Girl Coming to Bravo

The Bravo network is planning a real live realistic reality show about private school kids in Manhattan. It's Gossip Girl for those who prefer reality television! Because people love despising rich kids.
The docudrama is being described by insiders as the real-life Gossip Girl, although the show will not feature any of Manhattan's exclusive schools specifically.
The concept fits with the network's roster of docudramas about moneyed characters, including the Real Housewives franchise and Millionaire Matchmaker...
Bravo ran Webisodes featuring the children of the Real Housewives of Orange County beginning with that show's second cycle. The new show is expected to follow the same production footprint.
Hey good, sounds like just the thing for a new season of hating on rich high school kids and probably, for a lot of people, secretly being attracted to them, because TEEN SEX SELLS. Should be a good time for all and a perfectly healthy endeavor for the kids involved, particularly from the perspective of not turning them into egotistical media monsters who quickly become utterly unfit for life in the normal world, and ultimately crash and burn when the cameras stop trailing them and they realize the futility of their gain versus the epic nature of their loss—namely, the voluntary sacrifice of their souls. Sounds like a good way to kill an hour a week. [B&C. In related news, Richard Lawson is off today]