Reporter Just Can't Resist Asking Obama For His Autograph

One way to become the opposite of a respected White House correspondent is to hit up the president for an autograph, then get yanked away by the Secret Service. But uh...a kid made him do it!
Yesterday a reporter got "escorted out" of the White House when he asked Obama for his autograph, while on duty, reporting. Ha. Wow that's embarrassing. And now this man has been identified as "Robert Feuereisen of Jewish World Review, a New York-based Web site which features primarily conservative Jewish writers." Don't blame Robert, though; his freaking kid made him do it:
Feuereisen's 12-year-old son had bought an inaugural magazine of some sort for $8, and "his kid just drove him crazy," said [his editor]. The editor said Feuereisen has been working in the White House for more than 10 years, and did not lose his credential in the incident, but received a warning not to do it again. "He's harmless, to put it mildly," the editor said.
The child is so freaking toast when Feuereisen gets home. If this toadying behavior keeps up, Jewish World will get as bad a reputation as the Washington Post. [Politico; Pic via]