
Parents Won't Leave Kids These Days Alone

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/10 10:51AM

College is a special time in a teenager's life when he can leave mom and dad behind in order to smoke lots of weed in peace. But according to fake trendspotters, parents these days just can't let go! It's bananas.

Best of the Jonas Brothers' Visit to Fox and Friends

Chris Dignes · 08/16/10 01:55PM

Double entendres! Camp Rock 2! Panning shots of an excited audience composed of toddlers and teens! Road Dogs! Tiger Beat! Over fifteen minutes of visual goodies edited down to less than four for your viewing pleasure enclosed. Ronald Reagan!

Schools Neglecting the Most Important Thing: Their Image

Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/10 10:56AM

What's the problem with schools these days? Well, besides the racial performance gap, the out-of-control employees, and the city government takeovers, they just can't keep their most important stakeholders (the media) happy.

12-Year-Olds Getting Bikini Waxes: 'The New Normal'

Adrian Chen · 08/15/10 05:28PM

Apparently girls as young as eight are getting waxed at salons, just like their completely hairless moms. One Beverly Hills salon owner estimates 20 percent of her clientele are tweens. Well, at least these kids are developing pain tolerance.

Update: Ha ha. Looks like the article is two years old, as pointed out by some commenters. We're not feeling too well today. So, yeah, we blame that. But still: 12-year-olds getting bikini waxes! It's still crazy—even two years later!

Having Sex Doesn't Make Teens Flunk Out of School

Adrian Chen · 08/15/10 12:14PM

Sexy grades or Sexy sex? Teens can have both! Provided they're in a serious relationship. A new study shows that teens in committed relationships do no better or worse than those who don't have sex. "Hooking-up" teens do worse.

Inside the Weird World of Justin Bieber Micro-Gossip

Adrian Chen · 08/13/10 01:57AM

Internet fandom has existed since the dawn of the Internet. But Justin Bieber's fans have pioneered a strange new form: Justin Bieber micro-gossip, which painstakingly chronicles the obscure controversies and characters only a true Belieber can follow.

Kids These Days Hating Their Looks Younger Than Ever

Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/10 11:24AM

The high school years have always been fraught with social peril, and middle school is a time many remember for instilling a lifelong sense of mortifying awkwardness. Fine, but what about toddlers? Can we give them an inferiority complex, too?

Attack of the Tween Foodies

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/10 09:56AM

This is what America's sad obsession with cooking reality shows hath wrought: a whole generation of kids who attend "culinary summer camps" (by choice). Are 13 year-olds not unbearable enough? Must they be foodies as well?